Soraya went up to Mrs. R's dance studio, Harit was already there. She didn't want to look at him, he was just another men she told herself, after he gets what he wants that's it.
Mrs.R: "Everyone knows the dance competition is in a few weeks so please let Soraya and Harit come dance for us."
She went over, (Their dance is something like this:
Harit & Soraya's dance) He held onto her waist, not letting go, the feeling came over her again, she loved it, it was like every time she danced with him, everything was lost in reality. They stopped, everyone clapped, she opened her eyes, "You dance beautifully."
Mrs.R: "That was wonderful! Okay, let's take a break."
Soraya: "Are you exhausted?"
Harit: "Nope, but I know what will." He leaned in.
Soraya: "What do you think you are doing?" She pushed him off. Mrs.R saw and just giggled.
Harit: "What are you embarrassed doctor?"
Soraya: "Quiet playboy."
Harit: (Laughs) "You know what's funny,you're just like Rita."
Soraya: "Don't talk to me." She was about to walk away when his mom came over,
Mrs.R: "Soraya, I heard that Anne's club was hosting a karaoke night, are you singing?"
Soraya: "Of course, if I wasn't she won't forgive me."
Mrs.R: "I heard Chen would sing too, you two are going to look wonderful."
Harit: "Mom, you don't know that."
Mrs.R: "Have you heard her sing before?"
Harit: "Yes, she's wonderful voice of an angel."
Soraya: "I think we should get back to practice." She didn't want him talking about her.
Time went by and class was over. Soraya took a cab here so she decided, that's how she'll go
back. Mrs.R: "Soraya, where's your car?" Soraya: "Oh I took a cab and that's how I'll get back."
Mrs.R: "Nonsense Harit you can take her." Harit: "Of course mother, I'll take great care."
Soraya: "It's okay I can go by myself." Harit: "Too late." He pushed her into his car. "Bye mom!"
He started his engine and they were off, Soraya: "Your windows dark like this no one can see you
spying on them." Harit couldn't answer his throat was dry, he remembered stalking her but it wasn't
his fault, she was beautiful. Soraya: "What, cat got your tongue or you will stalk someone."
Harit: "What makes you say that? Girls go after me." Soraya: "That's what you think."
He walked out people coming towards him ladies screaming, cameras flashing.
"BOY! AHAH! You are back!"
"Mr.Pissanu please tell us why you are back!?"
Boy: "None of your business."
Reporter: "Please, a little information won't hurt."
Boy: "I hate people like you, a little information turns into something big, besides you'll know soon enough."
He got into the limo and left, "I hate those kind of reporters."
Everyone was waiting for someone at the Rome's house, not only him but celebrating Rome & Rita's engagement. Maid: "Madam is here!" Boy walked in, Ton: "Uncle Boy!" He went up and hugged him.
Boy: "Hey how have you been?" Ton: "Great. And you?" Boy: "Great too. So where is my sister-in-law."
He saw Rita standing next to Rome and reached for her hand, kissed it. "Hello Miss-So-To-Be-Sis-in-Law."
Rita: "Hello." Soraya walked in with Mark and Faye, "Sorry we are late." Boy turned and saw Soraya, she looked like an angel in the light. Boy: "My my, who is this angel that flew from heaven. Hello my name is Boy and I'm single." Ken rushed to her side, "Not happening." Mark: "You're stupid why is your name Boy when you are a boy, and you are so dark skin." Soraya: "Mark, apologize." Boy: "It's okay I get that all the time." Faye: "You have the corniest lines ever." Boy: "(Tried to smile) What's your name little girl?" Faye: "I don't talk to strangers, you're scary and your breath stinks." He coughed into his hand. Faye: "Uncle HARIT!" She rushed to him and he picked her up. Harit: "How have you been?" Faye: "I've been awesome! How's my favorite uncle been?" Harit: "Just fine." Mark: "Uncle Harit can you play with us?" Harit: "Sure what shall we play?" Ton: "How about tag! Tag FAYE you're it!" They ran into the backyard. Soraya: "Sorry for the two, the don't know much yet don't mind them." Boy: "It's okay." Rome and Rita just laughed, Rome: "Boy I don't think you should talk to Soraya just yet your breath smells, what did you make-out with some girl who just ate garlic?" The laughed, "Hm... so you guys are a family of playboys." Rome: "Actually, just the two younger ones now." He kissed Rita. Rita: "Hey!" Rome: "What? I'm not embarrassed just kissing my wife." Soraya: "Okay you two stopping being so sweet in front of others." Rome: "Jealous? I'm sure Harit is also." They looked over, he looked away. He didn't want Boy near Soraya, no matter what he'll make Soraya his.