"Dari Mata Arisa" (In Arisa's Eye) Malaysian version of JLR


sarNie Egg
i think i'm going to sub my favourites scenes in DMA especially arisa and akif's scenes. ;)
Is ep22 available now? It's freakin hillarious when Lili teases about Eddy's hair - Naruto hair, when I first saw his hair I called it 'rambut boya' :loool:


sarNie Egg
cikna.. tak tau nak post mane.. I've just finish ep 11 part 1 based on brader hangtuah09 video. If you like.. pm me your email and i post the second part once i'm done.. kay??

this is part 1 of ep 11

Shereen: Bertunang ni umpama tempah baju. Dia nak sgt pakai naju. Tapi bila dah siap..tak padan pulak

Eddie: Jadi?

Shereen: Terpulangla.. tapi kalau nak pakai jugak.. tak cantik la.. sebab tak selesa

E: OK.. kalau pompuan tu dah bertunang... mcm mane? apa perasaan dia? klu boleh dia nk bg tau satu dunia yg dia dah tunang ataupun jgn bg tau sesape?

S: Mestila dia nak satu dunia tau lelaki yg jadi tunang dia.. klu tak nak tunang dia kene rembat dgn pompuan lain.. hm.. tanye mcm ade tunang je..ade tunang ye?? rahsia??

E: bukan kekasih saya.. awak tu..
cakap pasal teman lelaki awak tu.. awak tak penah kenalkan kat saya.. dia dah balik kl ke?

S: dah.

E: sape nama dia?

S: Akif Zamani

E: akif zamani??

S: kenapee? awal kenal ke?

=== rumah sewa arisa

lily: amboi.. seronok sgt kawan kita nih.. kenape ye?

arisa: dlm 2 minggu ni saya rasa seronok sgt.. nak tau kenape? sebab.. bos awak tulah.. dh tak kacau saya lagi.. hai.. berjaya jugak kisah pertunangan saya tu kan?

lily: hm.. jgn terlebih suka sgt.. cik eddie aku tuh bukannye percaya sgt dgn temberang kau tuh.. tau tak? eh.. not.. tapi pelik jugak la.. macam mane nama akif tu boleh terkeluar dari mulut dia nih?

a: entahlah.. tiba2 je nama tu singgah kat kepala otak.. tapi pelik kan nama tuh.. macam nama batu aked.. ade ke orang nama mcm tuh.. takde kan? tapi kan.. macam penah dengar je nama tuh.. tapi kat mane ye?

Not: arisa.. smp bila ko nak tipu dia.. besok klu dia tau lah yg kau tak de tunang.. kan ke haru biru hidup kau.. lepas tu dia mula kejar kau balik.. mcm mane?

arisa: ee jgn la sebut.. nanti alamatnye tunggang langgang la hidup saya..

l: haa.. pasal tu la ko kene bersedia tau tak.. en eddie asik tanye aku dah.. dah jenuh aku menjawab dah nih.. haa.. aku tak mo bersubahat..

eddie berfikir : akif zamani.. heheh.. arisa.. tentu kau tak tau kisah tunang kau..

arisa: korang ni suka membebel lah.. pok pek pok pek...

liliy: ooo membebel... habis tu yg ko libatkan kitorang ni ape?

arisa: ye la 2x.. nanti sy jelaskan kat dia.. tp dgn harapan bos awak tu paham bahasa la ye?

not: ehhh.. malas...

arisa: helo.. ye saya.. lily..

==arisa buka pintu sebab eddie dtg..

arisa: en eddie nk ape?

eddie: sy tau pasal tunang awak.. akif zamani..

arisa: hah??
(biar betul..)
erm.. mcm mane en eddie boleh tau? kenape dgn tunang saya?

eddie: tunang awak tu tak sesuai dgn awak arisa.. saya lebih sesuai..

arisa: apa yg en eddie mengarut nih.. sy sygkan tunang saya dan tunang saya sygkan sy.. jd kitorang ni sesuai la..

eddie: arisa.. sy tak nak awak kecewa nanti arisa... baik sy bagi tau skrg.. tunang awak tuh.. main kayu tiga.

arisa: (biar betul..hai dia ni nk berlakon jugak ke?)
en eddie ckp ni mcm en eddie kenal je tunang sy tuh..

eddie: mmg sy kenal.. akif zamani kan?? tapi tolongla percaya sy.. dia dah ade kekasih lain..

arisa: (kenal? watak ni betul2 wujud?? dan dia kekasih org.?? ya Allah betul ke ni??

eddie: sy tak bohong.. sy ckp betul arisa.. sy mintak maaf.. klu sy ade menyinggung perasaan cik arisa.. sebelum terlambat..

arisa:(entah2 dia serkap jarang.. nk perangkap aku.. emm.. jadi dia pon berlakon sama la.. hm.. baik..teruskan berlakon..

eddie: arisa...

arisa: macam ni la en eddie.. sy rasa sy tak nak pecayakan ckp org.. sbb sy pecayakan tunang sy tuh.. jd lepas ni en eddie tak payahla ganggu sy lagi.. sebab klu tunang sy tau tentu dia takkan lepaskan en eddie ...

eddie: arisa kenapa awak tak faham2?? sy ambik berat pasal awak.. sy tak nk awak kecewa dgn lelaki mcm tuh.. sy nk awak bahagia dgn sy..

arisa: en eddie.. tolong la faham.. sy ni tunang org.. bakal jadi isteri org.. klu en eddie betul2 ambil berat pasal sy, en eddie tolong doakan kebahagiaan sy.. bukan kacau sy mcm ni.. sy rasa lebih baik en eddie balik dulu.. assalamualaikum..

eddie: waalaikumsalam..
(apa aku cakap ni.. bahagia dgn aku.. hai.. tapi tak penah ade pompuan yg tolak aku mentah2.. aku mesti dptkan kau arisa..


sarNie Adult
cikna.. tak tau nak post mane.. I've just finish ep 11 part 1 based on brader hangtuah09 video. If you like.. pm me your email and i post the second part once i'm done.. kay??

this is part 1 of ep 11

Shereen: Bertunang ni umpama tempah baju. Dia nak sgt pakai naju. Tapi bila dah siap..tak padan pulak

Eddie: Jadi?

Shereen: Terpulangla.. tapi kalau nak pakai jugak.. tak cantik la.. sebab tak selesa

E: OK.. kalau pompuan tu dah bertunang... mcm mane? apa perasaan dia? klu boleh dia nk bg tau satu dunia yg dia dah tunang ataupun jgn bg tau sesape?

S: Mestila dia nak satu dunia tau lelaki yg jadi tunang dia.. klu tak nak tunang dia kene rembat dgn pompuan lain.. hm.. tanye mcm ade tunang je..ade tunang ye?? rahsia??

E: bukan kekasih saya.. awak tu..
cakap pasal teman lelaki awak tu.. awak tak penah kenalkan kat saya.. dia dah balik kl ke?

S: dah.

E: sape nama dia?

S: Akif Zamani

E: akif zamani??

S: kenapee? awal kenal ke?

=== rumah sewa arisa

lily: amboi.. seronok sgt kawan kita nih.. kenape ye?

arisa: dlm 2 minggu ni saya rasa seronok sgt.. nak tau kenape? sebab.. bos awak tulah.. dh tak kacau saya lagi.. hai.. berjaya jugak kisah pertunangan saya tu kan?

lily: hm.. jgn terlebih suka sgt.. cik eddie aku tuh bukannye percaya sgt dgn temberang kau tuh.. tau tak? eh.. not.. tapi pelik jugak la.. macam mane nama akif tu boleh terkeluar dari mulut dia nih?

a: entahlah.. tiba2 je nama tu singgah kat kepala otak.. tapi pelik kan nama tuh.. macam nama batu aked.. ade ke orang nama mcm tuh.. takde kan? tapi kan.. macam penah dengar je nama tuh.. tapi kat mane ye?

Not: arisa.. smp bila ko nak tipu dia.. besok klu dia tau lah yg kau tak de tunang.. kan ke haru biru hidup kau.. lepas tu dia mula kejar kau balik.. mcm mane?

arisa: ee jgn la sebut.. nanti alamatnye tunggang langgang la hidup saya..

l: haa.. pasal tu la ko kene bersedia tau tak.. en eddie asik tanye aku dah.. dah jenuh aku menjawab dah nih.. haa.. aku tak mo bersubahat..

eddie berfikir : akif zamani.. heheh.. arisa.. tentu kau tak tau kisah tunang kau..

arisa: korang ni suka membebel lah.. pok pek pok pek...

liliy: ooo membebel... habis tu yg ko libatkan kitorang ni ape?

arisa: ye la 2x.. nanti sy jelaskan kat dia.. tp dgn harapan bos awak tu paham bahasa la ye?

not: ehhh.. malas...

arisa: helo.. ye saya.. lily..

==arisa buka pintu sebab eddie dtg..

arisa: en eddie nk ape?

eddie: sy tau pasal tunang awak.. akif zamani..

arisa: hah??
(biar betul..)
erm.. mcm mane en eddie boleh tau? kenape dgn tunang saya?

eddie: tunang awak tu tak sesuai dgn awak arisa.. saya lebih sesuai..

arisa: apa yg en eddie mengarut nih.. sy sygkan tunang saya dan tunang saya sygkan sy.. jd kitorang ni sesuai la..

eddie: arisa.. sy tak nak awak kecewa nanti arisa... baik sy bagi tau skrg.. tunang awak tuh.. main kayu tiga.

arisa: (biar betul..hai dia ni nk berlakon jugak ke?)
en eddie ckp ni mcm en eddie kenal je tunang sy tuh..

eddie: mmg sy kenal.. akif zamani kan?? tapi tolongla percaya sy.. dia dah ade kekasih lain..

arisa: (kenal? watak ni betul2 wujud?? dan dia kekasih org.?? ya Allah betul ke ni??

eddie: sy tak bohong.. sy ckp betul arisa.. sy mintak maaf.. klu sy ade menyinggung perasaan cik arisa.. sebelum terlambat..

arisa:(entah2 dia serkap jarang.. nk perangkap aku.. emm.. jadi dia pon berlakon sama la.. hm.. baik..teruskan berlakon..

eddie: arisa...

arisa: macam ni la en eddie.. sy rasa sy tak nak pecayakan ckp org.. sbb sy pecayakan tunang sy tuh.. jd lepas ni en eddie tak payahla ganggu sy lagi.. sebab klu tunang sy tau tentu dia takkan lepaskan en eddie ...

eddie: arisa kenapa awak tak faham2?? sy ambik berat pasal awak.. sy tak nk awak kecewa dgn lelaki mcm tuh.. sy nk awak bahagia dgn sy..

arisa: en eddie.. tolong la faham.. sy ni tunang org.. bakal jadi isteri org.. klu en eddie betul2 ambil berat pasal sy, en eddie tolong doakan kebahagiaan sy.. bukan kacau sy mcm ni.. sy rasa lebih baik en eddie balik dulu.. assalamualaikum..

eddie: waalaikumsalam..
(apa aku cakap ni.. bahagia dgn aku.. hai.. tapi tak penah ade pompuan yg tolak aku mentah2.. aku mesti dptkan kau arisa..
thanks kia for ur effort! i've left my email at cari.forum. anyways, let me summarise episode 10 first. i'll try to sub this malay dialogue into english and put it in the drama. thanks again kia!


sarNie Adult
what a terrible moment for me!!!! <_< just finish writing summaries for episode 10 and 11 and as i was about to post, my laptop crashed all of a sudden!!! and i didn't save ..... i lost my mood already! -_- sorry girls...i'll update tmrw nite...


sarNie Hatchling
sorry to hear that cikna. I hope you get your computer back soon, cause I really miss reading your summary.


sarNie Adult
Episode 10

Eddy find it hard to believe that Arisa is already engaged. TO release his frustration, he spends time at the night club with some girls. Back at Arisa’s place, Lily and Not question Arisa about “Akif” They are surprised to learn that Arisa was lying to Eddy. Lily doesn’t approve of Arisa’a action but it seems Arisa is glad she did it so that Eddy would no longer disturb her.

We shift attention Arisa’s parents. Her father is a primary school teacher and during his free time, he volunteers to teach students with additional lessons in school. His family still doesn’t know that Muhamad (Arisa’s father) has heart problems. He regularly takes medication from the hospital. He went home. He and his wife Maliah have an everyday conversation, talking about his work and their children.

Arisa visits her sister, Amal at her campus. The sisters did some bonding. Amal talks to her sister about how there is no scientific explanation describing falling in love (it’s a foreshadowing of Arisa finding her true love  ). As they girls chat, they begin talking about the late Ayana which brings tears for Arisa. Amal, understanding Arisa’s sadness, promises her sister that she’ll try to finish her weekly assignments before the weekends so that they can go back to visit their parents. Arisa, notes that though she is the eldest in the family, but it is Amal, the youngest who is emotionally stronger and understanding.

Zaril visits’ Ayana’ grave when Muhammad and Maliah drop by to visit her too. Muhammad greets him politely but wonders what would Azza think if Zaril keeps coming to visit Ayana’s grave. The two men admit how they miss Ayana. But Muhamad reminds Zaril not too be too consumed in sadness because of Ayana’s death and asks him to go on living and love his wife Azza wholeheartedly.

Zaril’s mother learns Zaril is going back to the capital city. She wonders why Azza doesn’t accompany him. Zaril explains to his father, Azza would never come here because her mother Marina forbids her. He can’t even take his own wife out without the mother’s permission. He reminds his mother that he has expected this to happen and now he has to live with it.

Azza wants to go out for lunch with zaril but her mother marina disallows her and instructs her to follow her to a lunch date. Zaril knows that Azza cannot go out with him. ZAril also introduces Azza to his new secretary, Elena. Azza begins to feel a but jealousy.

At Arisa’s workplace, Shamala is contemplating whether to switch job or not. Both Arisa and Zek advise her to think about the matter thoroughly. Shamala is interested because the salary is higher than her current one. Zek advises shamala to discuss it with Mr Yusran. The girls then go out for lunch.

Yusran is explaining to his father, Haji ZAmani and Akif about the current company’s affair. The main concern is their discussion is about their farms having more foreign workers and local workers. As much as they want to keep these workers, they have to abide the country’s policy of reducing foreign workers and take more local people. Hajah Zaiton suggests that their farms should begin taking female workers in addition to male workers to attract more local people. Yusran suggests that Akif to take their mother’s place in the Board of Directors because she is retiring soon.

Shareen calls when Akif and his family were discussing. Jihah, Yusran’s wife answers her call and informs her that Akif has returned from the US and is now in a middle of a business discussion with his parents and brother. But still Jihah tells Akif that shareen wants to talk to him on the phone.

At night, Akif’s family throws a small a barbeque party for Akif. Shareen is also there. She wants to know whether he has forgiven her for dumping him two years ago. Akif wants to know how’s shareen’s relationship with the man who she dumps akif for (so happen, it’s eddy). She admits that they are now just close friends. Shareen hints to akif that she wants to get back with him. But akif firmly tells her that he now sees her just as a friend. Shareen doesn’t give up and is determined to win akif’s heart once more.

Akif goes to the family’s farm with his mother. She wants to leave but he begs her to stay a little bit longer. AKif seems to enjoy the nature and the animals a lot. He loves spending time with the animals because he doesn’t have to face lies and hypocracy like humans do. His mother reminds him that relationship with animals is not the same as the relationship with humans. She wants to know how things between him and shareen. He explains that he and shareen are just friends. His mother doesn’t mind whoever his chooses as long as he is happy. (Obviously, akif has a loving and strong bond with his mother).

Arisa, lily and not spend some quality time together, shopping. They choose some fabrics to send to arisa’s mother to sew.

In the weekends, arisa and amal go back to their hometown. On their way home with their father, their car broke down. Arisa notices that her father’s car is getting old and suggests him to let take company’s loan to buy a car for him. But he says he can still survive with the old car. As they reach home, arisa and amal go in first. Muhamad secretly hides his medication for his heart condition. But then, amal accidently found it. Muhamad sees amal holding his medications. Amal, who is a med student, immediately knows what they medication may be for. She is surprised to learn that her father has been having heart problems since two years ago. Muhamad makes amal promise him not to tell arisa and maliah. Amal reluctantly agrees.

After religious prayer, arisa suggests her parents to perform their Haj (a religious ritual in Islam) in Makkah, Saudi Arabia. She wants to help chip in. but muhamad wants to wait until amal finishes her studies first. Arisa tells her parents that they no need to worry about amal because she can help amal financially as much as she can.

Zek receives good news that the company is going raise the workers’ salary. Everyone is happy with the news.

At eddy’s company, he cannot stop bugging lily about arisa. He is suspicious about arisa’s “engagement”. He doesn’t understand why arisa keeps it a secret in the first place. Lily tries to reason with him saying is a matter of choice to tell or not to tell people about the engagement. The episode ends with shareen calling eddy.

Part 1

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


sarNie Adult
I'm trying to subtitle DMA but it's definitely very, very tedious. Not to forget this is a 40-episode drama. :huh: SO, I/m going to to stick to writing ENglish summaries for each episode and subtitles only selected scenes. Anywys, for episode 11, I will try to sub the whole episode because kia_picanto has put much effort to came up with the Malay dialogue for it. Thanks kia.

Episode 11 (Part 1)



sarNie Adult
I don't know how many follows this drama but I would like to apologise for not updating these few days. I've been very busy and my laptop is not working very well. If Gow willing, i will try to update by the end of this week. ;)


sarNie Adult
I just don't have enough motivation to do subtitles for this episode because not much of Akif and Arisa scenes.

Continuation of Episode 11

Eddy meets up with one of his female friends. He wants to learn more about social life in small cities because he knows that Arisa is from a small city. His friend, Mimi feels awkward when he start asking about life in small cities. Eddy wants to know her opinion whether it is odd or not for a woman from a small city who comes to work in the capital city for few years and still doesn’t have any special man in her life. Mimi says it’s not odd. It depends on the woman’s personal principle about love.
Arisa and her housemates discuss about Eddy’s claim of Arisa’s “fiancée” having another woman. Arisa believes Eddy is just making it up. But Lily believes her boss is not lying. Not says that Eddy will only stop pursuing Arisa if only she is married. Not and Lily know that Arisa doesn’t have anyone special in her life right now. Lily makes fun of Arisa by matching her with an insane man who wanders in their neighbourhood. Then the girls are chased by that man.

Azza goes out with her husband, a very rare occasion since they got married. The couple discusses about Azza’s life during her university years how she has to ask her mother’s permission in anything she does and sometimes she has to sneak out of the house if she wanted to go out with her friends. Later, Shareen comes to visit Azza at home. Azza is jealous that Shareen has the freedom to do anything she wants and can live on her own. Azza wonders why her mother is too over protective of her. Shareen then asks Azza to follow her to a friend’s party after noticing how restless Azza is. Azza went out with Shareen without telling her mother, Marina. The mother-daughter had an argument because Marina is angry her daughter didn’t tell her about her outing with Shareen whereas Azza is upset her mother wants to control everything.

Marina drops by at her husband’s company when she saw Elena, Zaril’s secretary is trying to make a move on Zaril. Obviously, ZAril is irritated with Elena’s actions and tries very hard to ignore her. Marina sees this as an opportunity to cause chaos in her daughter’s marriage, calls Elena and instructs her to her bidding. Elena again makes a move on ZAril and Marina begins taking pictures. After that, Elena, under Marina’s instruction, calls Azza and claims that she and Zaril are having an affair. Azza is angry with Elena’s claim and starts feeling insecured. She knows too well that her husband has not gotten over Ayana, his ex. So, it’s almost impossible for Zaril to have another woman. Marina, too, adds more accusations by showing the pictures she took of ZAril and Elena. Later that day, Azza confronts her husband and asks him about Elena. ZAril explains that nothing happens between him and Elena. He lets her decide whether to believe him or not. Azza senses that her husband is telling the truth.

Yusran and Eddy are discussing a new business venture. Eddy is planning to get involved in developing private hospitals. Eddy needs his brother and sister-in-law who are specialist doctors to advise him in the matter. While talking about his brother, Yusran mentioned about his younger brother taking over his place as the Operational Manager of the company (Mutiara Company). Eddy is eager to know when Akif, Yusran’s brother is coming to work. At the same time, he feels awkward that Yusran never once mention about Akif getting engaged to Arisa.
Akif just finishes some work at his family’s farm and is ready to return to the capital city. His brother calls him to know when he is coming back. As Akif is ready to go, some foreign workers wants to discuss with him about their working permit. In order to settle the matter, Akif decide to postpone his return to the capital city. His family knows about the problem at the farm and plans new business strategy not only for the benefit of the company but also to help the workers.
Arisa and her housemates are having dinner. Lily talks about her boss Eddy and calls him “Naruto” because of his hairstyle. She notices that Eddy doesn’t go to see Yusran at the office anymore instead meeting him at a club somewhere else. Arisa is happy that Eddy doesn’t come to her office anymore.

Eddy is back with her partying mood. He goes out with Shareen. He begins asking her about Akif, her so called “boyfriend”. Eddy learns that Akif is a conservative man who doesn’t like clubbing and loves spending time with his family. Eddy wonders how Shareen can survive a life with Akif who is an obvious opposite to Shareen. Shareen says she will find her way. Eddy begins to give hints about Akif having another woman. Shareen doesn’t believe that Akif is playboy. He is not like Eddy.

Finally, Akif returns to the capital city but not before he stops at his "sanctuary" to contamplate

Part 2

Part 3

Part 4


Expired Sarnie
Okay Eddy is getting on my nerves. He is cute in all but he's getting too annoying. I am glad that Aris is very honest with him saying she doesn't want to give him flase hope. Yeah now I am on 10!


sarNie Adult
Okay Eddy is getting on my nerves. He is cute in all but he's getting too annoying.
LOL - haven't watched DMA for quite some time coz I've been busy, busy, busy! But I'll say that the actor who plays Eddy - his name is Ashraff - is really kinda cute. :wub: I've watched a few scenes of another Malay drama "Yusuff" in which he played the main character. Didn't get to watch it in full unfortunately.

Anyway, it's uploaded on YT and has Eng Sub in case anyone's interested. ^_^

Here's Episode 1 Part 1 (each episode has 3 parts)


sarNie Adult
LOL - haven't watched DMA for quite some time coz I've been busy, busy, busy! But I'll say that the actor who plays Eddy - his name is Ashraff - is really kinda cute. :wub: I've watched a few scenes of another Malay drama "Yusuff" in which he played the main character. Didn't get to watch it in full unfortunately.

Anyway, it's uploaded on YT and has Eng Sub in case anyone's interested. ^_^

Here's Episode 1 Part 1 (each episode has 3 parts)
The uploader didn't make a Playlist of the drama so I decided to make one - here you go


(And I've also realised that some episodes have only two parts ;) )