I joined the DBSK train a little late.
I started liking them only through Super Junior, and loved them because of their brotherly bond with SuJu as well as with each other.
I started to watch their shows and interviews and slowly fell for their charms.
I realized then why DBSK is so popular, they are not only great entertainers, but they're all so talented too.
There aren't many artists who have such powerful voices and can dance as well as they do.
I love a lot of Asian artists, and talent-wise, they're at the top of the list.
On top of that, they're hilarious together...they get me rolling all the time.
But now, I used them as a distraction from my 2PM woes...but now they have their own issues...I saw on Arirang that they cancelled their comeback. I'm totally shocked at SM, and will always support the boys.
I love the way Yunho dances, I love how cute Junsu is and his voice and dancing, I love Changmin's wit and fearlessness with his hyungs, I love how funny Jaejoong is without even trying to be, and how goofy yet smooth Micky is.
My favorite shows they've been on is X-man, Champagne, Happy Together, and Come to Play. Oh yeah, they were pretty funny at their 3rd Big East Fanmeeting. I love when they're all together.