

TVfXQ's song ONE is going to be in The Millionaired's First Love OST <it's a movie ?_?
the movie is going to be shown in feb of next year!!!!

credits: mishi @ tvfxqworld

will upload preview to this moive later ^^


2006 Star Night Calender
feat. DBSK, SS501, ShinHwa, FinKL, Wheesung, SE7EN, Rain, Jang Nara, etc...

credits: mishi @tvfxqworld

i want this i want this!!!!!!


the calendar is still in progress but OMG!
teh proceeds will go to a charitable cause under Meke's name!

credits: mishi @ tvfxqworld

OMG OMG i've gotta get it! OMG OMG I CAN'T WAIT...
though it would have been better if it'd XIAH but MICKY is alright! ^^


how this makes me hungry. :run:

gad yoochun. okay already youre eating and im not T__T

good huh? good? good? *smacks*

holah! XXD

how can they eat bbq with that thing? =X




ever heard of the SBSK annual projects..it's basically a project where international DongBangShinGi fans unite together and put together something special to send to our boys. for the year 2006, we've decided to write journal entries to the boys, a different fan for every day of the year.

because we don't want just the same people writting to each of the boys, we thought it'd be nice if we could find a different fan for each day of the year for each member (sorry if that made no sense -.- basically a fan can only write for one member)

there's been various occurences when we saw the DongBang boys wearing some of the things we gave them last year such as rings and hats so these letter will for sure get to the boys. All the letters will be translated into Korean so you won't have to worry about language differences.

if you're interested in participating in this project and showing the DBSK boys how much they are loved all around the world, please let me know this is basically just a way of paying the boys back for all the hard work and effort they've put into their job and to show them how much we care.


-actual project will start on December 26.
-if you sign up you're going to actually do it because we don't want to be left with an empty page
-pretty much on the day you're supposed to write, you have 24 hours to send us your letter and you can do whatever you want with it. (Draw, etc.)
-do not write your fan letter AHEAD of time whats the point of us having a DAILY diary entry if youre going to write it on a different day anyways -.-;;;


1. No profanity
2. Nothing sexual
3. No demeaning of anybody - EG;other singers, other members, fans
4. Length cannot exceed 12 point Arial font single space SINGLE page
5. You cannot advertise any personal contact infromation
6. Diary entries MUST be written on the DAY of your assigned date
7. If one does not want to write a diary entry, they can substitue it for a graphic or fan art
8. Assigned dates CANNOT be traded, and a specific date CANNOT be requested
9. If you want to write around spring then sign up around spring. dont sign up in january!

well...that's all...
if you have any questions just ask and i'll try and find the answer.

Thanks a bunch!


so keo and nat...here's ur chance to show ur luv toward yunni and jaejae!
so hurry up! pm me if u have any questions and i'll see what i can do...
lol somebody actually pm me this from another site...
i thought it was cool and she say that i'd be good if i could share it w/ ya!
oh and nat...she's really looking for yunnie's fans!!

anyone who's interest in this just PM me kay!


wow that is really hott...i cant wait im soo in girl..u know it...yep it all about JaeJoone....aww he soo cute on that chair...sexy baby :shocked: .....keep them coming :wub:



rising sun [chinese version]<<sound very werid
unforgetable [chinese version] <<pretty good

*banjun drama part 1 + 2 w/ meke and yunni
sorry no subs for these...but i got u guys some translation...


^^ np....
but it's going to take me forever to upload again...
i lost everything when my stupid computer crash! T ^ T