[ Chapter 14 ]
"Rome, let's head back to the headquarter .. it's getting late .."
"Erm .. I guess so .. wouldn't want anyone to suspect us right?"
-- RinG .. RinGG .. RinGgGg --
"Hold on .. my phone's ringing .."
"Eh? Rome .. mine is ringing too .."
Both of them answered their call at the same time.
"Hello, Rome here." , "Noon speaking."
"Anything?" , "Yes?"
"Say WHAT?!?" , "Are you serious??"
"When did it happen??" , "No way! How could .."
"Erm .." , "I see .."
"On the way right this instant!" , "Give me a few more minutes?"
"Ok, bye." , "Bye .. thanks for the info."
They looked restless as if something bad had happened.
"I just got a call .."
"I think both of us got the same call .. Paul just told me everything."
"How could she escape?? The security there is pretty tight you know .."
"That's not what I'm worried about .. Rome."
"Huh .. What are you worried about then?"
"I'm just thinking .. why would she want to escape?"
"I can see where you're getting at .. but, maybe she escaped because she just don't want to be in jail?"
She gave him a look and said, "Are you serious? That is such a stupid conclusion!"
"Geez .. then you tell me why Miss I-Know-It-All .."
"Fine. I don't know what her motive is .. but I think Ann's heading to the same place where Aum is .."
"You know what .. let's just head back first .."
"Ok .. ok."
I don't think I've been walking long .. but my leg really hurts. I'm not sure how long I could bare the pain anymore.
Tik kept on moving despite being seriously injured. Even the cloth he teared to bind his leg was already soaked in blood. Things aren't looking great for him. Stone .. rocks .. trees .. more trees. Finally, the weird sound was getting clearer. He was almost reaching the place! That was when he felt as if he couldn't walk anymore. His injured leg finally reached it's limit.
Ah! Not now .. not now .. move .. move you idiot leg!
He kept on hitting his leg. He could felt almost nothing, not even pain. That was not going to stop him. He stood up with the help of a tree branch. Much force was put onto it though he had not much energy left in him. With those tiny bits of energy, he walked. He tried walking with one hand pulling the injured leg every pace he took. There were much pain suffered yet not even a squeak of sound came out of his mouth. The determination finally bare it's fruit. He reached hell. It was a plain deserted area. The size of the place could be said almost half of a football field.
Weird .. why didn't I noticed this place before?
Maybe he was too tired or he lost too much blood. It took him quite sometime to notice a man with a shovel in the middle of the deserted field. There was no grass, just a plain field. The man was sweating, he was just finished with his 'work'. Needless to say, he was expecting the inspector for quite some time already.
"Oh, hey! I thought it'll take a longer time for those tiny brain of yours to intepret my riddle! Hahaha .."
"Aum .. where's my wife?"
Aum walked closer to the injured man with a shovel hanging on one side of his shoulder.
"Awww .. come on. What's the rush? The game haven't even reached the climax .. yet."
"Stop all this! It's me who you want! Not her! Let her GO!"
"Shut up! I'm the judge right now. ME! You want me to kill her right now??"
"Good." Aum put on an evil smile. He loved seeing Tik injured and restless -- it humors him.
"So how can we start the game?"
"Ah, now .. that's a good sport!" Aum laughed.
"You see this huge field here? Well .. your wife is somewhere around here .. haha .."
"WHAT?? You bastard! You killed her?!?!"
"Nah, it wouldn't be fun then. She's still alive .. breathing with a tube .. a small tiny one too .. hahaha .."
"You buried her alive .."
"Yes .. and it's up to you whether she'll stay there forever .. or not."
"What's the rule of this game?"
"Haha .. calm down .. she's not running anywhere .. hahaha .."
"It's easy .. I'll give you a chance to dig wherever you like with this one shovel .. IF .. you can beat me in a match. Everytime you win, you'll get that chance. But if you dig and you can't find her .. we'll continue to the second match and so on .."
"What if I found her .. what's going to happen to you then?"
"Oh .. don't worry. I play fairly, I never cheat .. if that really do happen, haha .. I'll surrender myself to the police. I don't care whether I'll get jailed or the death penalty .. I enjoyed my killings .. it was rather -- fun."
"You're a sick bastard!"
"I know .. hahahaha .. shall we?" He smirked then throwing the shovel to the ground.