My dad, he's a player, he used to date Maiv Lis Yaj during the time when her movie Tshua Ib Lo Lus was coming out, he also dated Paj Muas and Rhia Vwj, he still has the picture he took of them together hanging in our living room.
ET Yang is my cousin from my mom's side, she used to baby-sit them back in thai land and we met them in st paul, also in oshkosh i witnessed him kiss his girlfriend behind their booth cause i was going to talk to him, but i just left w/out saying anything.
Tsab Money is one of my uncles.
Brenda song is my cousin.
I met Nyiaj Lauj from wish and got his autograph in oshkosh, then just after that, Kwm Lis bumped into me and helped me pick up the movies that i had dropped, he was shorter than me, then after that, was when i saw ET.
Dr, Tom is my dad's friend.
I met Maiv Neeb Thoj in st paul, she is my aunt tus nyab.
that's all i remember so far.