- Marina ♥
Don’t Know How to Love
Chapter 20
By: M&M
Chapter 20
By: M&M

The whole entire car ride was quiet. As soon as they got to the house, they all walked in. Phawat looked around for Keo. Chai and Fun were both sweeping the floor.
“Fun, who is that?” Chai asked wondering who Phawat was.
“I don’t know. Why ask me? I don’t know everything.” Fun said.
“Wait here.” Sila said as Phawat and Mintah stopped. They stood in the living room as Sila walked upstairs quickly.
“Soooo how is America?” Mintah asked not liking the awkward silence.
“It’s good.” Phawat quickly remarked.
Sila and his Mommy
“Mom, I found dad. Come on, he’s downstairs.” Sila said pulling his mom’s arm.
“Sila, I don’t think I want to see him now.” Keo said sadly.
“Mom, we came her to know why dad abandoned us. You can stop now. We need to know why.” Sila said. Keo nodded slowly. They walked downstairs. Keo walked down the stairs slowly not wanting to see Phawat’s face. She cried as soon as she saw him.
“Keo!” Phawat said as he was tears rolling down Keo’s face. She wiped her tears gently.
“Hi.” Keo said sitting down on the couch. They all sat down.
“Mom, I don’t want Mintah to be here during this talk.” Sila said.
“Mintah will stay. I told you, she’s like family. Anyways, both of you are already engaged.” Keo remarked.
“Sila’s engaged already?!” Phawat exclaimed.
“Of course, they are. I called you a ton of times telling you. I even left texts, voice messages, and sent letters.” Keo replied firmly.
“I’m sorry, Sila.” Phawat said to Sila. Sila smiled.
“That’s okay. It’s not that important to you.” Sila said.
“Now where were you all those times?” Sila asked. Mintah sat down catching onto every word they said.
“Sila, I, I got remarried to Jieb. We accidently…. slept together.” Phawat said.
“Don’t say anymore. I don’t want to listen.” Keo said sadly.
“I’m sorry, Keo. I didn’t mean to.” Phawat said.
“So you mean that you didn’t mean to miss your son’s engagement.” Keo said.
“Please, I’m sorry. I want us all just to be one family again.” Phawat said.
“Dad, I would do anything for us to be family but I can’t accept that second wife to live with us.” Sila remarked.
“Sila, Jieb is already family. She will have to live with us” Phawat said.
“It’s alright, Sila. All I want is for us to be family again.” Keo said trying to smile. Inside, Keo was hurt like someone stabbed her. She couldn’t help herself from being jealous when she saw Phawat with another woman.
“How could Chenup do this to Nee? First, he gets her pregnant, then he makes her fall.” Ruj said sadly staring at his sister on the bed. Nee was still unconscious. Ruj picked up his cell calling Chenup.
“Ruj, is Chenup coming?” Kaan asked after Ruj hung up.
“He better come. It’s his child.” Ruj said hoping. Kaan nodded and looked at Nee. Kaan knew that Nuni said that Chenup was at their home except how come Kaew was talking about Nee, too. Was it Kaew or Chenup the one that really pushed Nee? Minutes later, Chenup burst into the hospital room running to the bed.
“How is Nee?” Chenup asked.
“Can’t you see? She’s in pain because she fell into something. We don’t even know if she’s okay.” Ruj said as a doctor came into the room.
“Please go out now.” The doctor declared. Kaan, Ruj, and Chenup walked out.
“If anything happens to my sister, you’ll be sorry.” Ruj said to Chenup.
“Guys, don’t be too mean. We have to keep our hopes up for Nee and her baby.” Kaan said thinking about the whole situation. Ruj and Chenup nodded slowly still staring at each other. They sat down on chairs beside the room.
Mintah, Sila, Keo
“Mom, is dad and that woman really living with us?” Sila asked not wanting this to happen.
“Yes, Sila. Anyways, it might be fun having a new person in the family.” Keo said thinking of positives.
“Mom, I don’t think this is a good idea. I mean, what if this woman just wants our riches. They could see my dad and just marry him to get his money.” Sila said.
“Sila, you think of everyone like that. Some people aren’t.” Keo said.
“But some people are.” Sila said glaring at Mintah. She looked at him and looked away quickly.
“Sila, your dad is going to arrive with the new wife any minute, just act nice. Don’t be so rude and mean, or you’ll scare her away.” Keo said smiling. Inside, Keo was sad. She didn’t want this to be happening but to make this whole problem end, she had to do it.
“I want to scare her away. Anyways, I’m not that scary, right?” Sila said. Mintah laughed. Sila looked at her.
“What?” Sila asked. Mintah covered her smile and shook her head. Keo smiled along with them.
Cheewin sat in his room bored. He missed Num but what was wrong with her. He went to her house many times but all times, the helper said that she wasn’t home or that she was busy. Every time he called, she wouldn’t pick up. Cheewin looked at his paper full of songs that he wrote. He stood up.
“I’ll talk to Num today and if not, I won’t even come home.” Cheewin demanded walking out of his room. He drove to Num’s house. Num was sitting outside until she saw Cheewin. Num walked into the house quickly as Cheewin held her arm.
“Go away.” Num said not looking at him.
“Num, what’s wrong? Are you trying to avoid me?” Cheewin asked. Num turned around and looked at him.
“No. Just leave me alone, please. If you don’t want me to be hurt, and then leave me alone.” Num said knowing what would happen. Kaew would do something bad. She also didn’t want to be called a boyfriend stealer.
“Tell me what’s wrong. I’m not leaving until you do.” Cheewin said. Num pushed him away.
“Fine, don’t leave.” Num said walking into the house. She ran up to her room and started crying. Num looked out of the window and Cheewin standing there. He looked up at the window as Num moved. Num looked out of the window again and saw that Cheewin was walking to his car.
“He must be leaving.” Num replied as she saw him go in. Num walked over to her bed and sat down.
Mintah, Keo, Sila
They were sitting in the living room. Sila finally stood up getting impatient.
“Mom, I can’t wait any longer. Dad must’ve run away with that woman.” Sila said thinking about what’s taking him so long.
“Why do you always think about bad things?” Mintah asked.
“And you don’t?” Sila said.
“You’re the one saying bad about your father.” Mintah replied standing up.
“Hey! You’re the one bothering me!” Sila replied.
“Stop, you two. They’ll come soon.” Keo said as Sila’s cell rang. Sila picked it up.
“Sila, Jieb wants you guys to come to our house. Here’s the address.” Phawat said into the phone. He told Sila the address. Sila hung up after.
“Damn it! Dad, he doesn’t come early then he makes us go to that house.” Sila said madly.
“Sila, calm. Control that temper. We’ll go. It’s really okay.” Keo said getting her purse.
“Chai, please watch the house. We’ll be back later.” Mintah said to Chai as they stepped out. Chai was confused.
“What? Never mind. I shouldn’t be wondering. Fun said that it hurts you’re head when your wondering to much about something.” Chai said as he was dusting the sofas.
Ruj, Kaan, Chenup
Chenup walked back and forth worried. He was worried about what happened to Nee. He was confused. Was he the one who really caused Nee to fall? Was Nee hurt badly? The doctor came out of the room. He had a happy expression on.
“The girl will be okay. She just needs some rest.” The doctor said happily. Ruj and Kaan high-fived each other as Chenup smiled.
“Yes!” Chenup said happily. The doctor was about to walk back into the room.
“Um, doctor, how is the child?” Chenup asked. The doctor turned around.
“The child? Oh, she’s great, too. A very strong baby.” The doctor says happily.
“She? She’s a girl!” Chenup said. The doctor nodded and walked into the room. Ruj put his hand on Chenup’s shoulder.
“You’re good this time but next time, I won’t give you another chance.” Ruj said happily. Chenup nodded.
“I have decided. I will accept Nee as…my wife.” Chenup said.
“Really?” Kaan asked. Chenup nodded.
“Yaaaa! What a great ending to a bad day!” Kaan said smiling. Ruj smiled, too. He finally felt happy for his sister. Ruj just hoped that Nee actually liked Chenup. He didn’t want her to marry with someone that she didn’t love.
Num sat in her room. She wanted to be with Cheewin but didn’t want to be the boyfriend stealer. Cheewin was in his car trying to find lyrics to a song.
“I need a song to sing to Num.” Cheewin said looking around. He found the lyrics. He ran out of the car as the papers flew. Cheewin followed the paper. It stopped in front of a guy. The guy picked it up.
“Looks like a love song here.” The guy said laughing. Three other guys walked in. They started laughing, too.
“Please, give it back to me.” Cheewin said.
“Not a chance. Are you planning to sing to that pretty girl in that house?” the guy said pointing to Num’s house. Cheewin nodded slowly.
“Just stop it. She won’t want to be with you. It’s me who she’ll choose.” The guy said.
“No me!” another guy said. They started arguing about who Num should be with. Cheewin tried to grab the paper while they were arguing.
“Oh, I forgot about you.” One guy said as he saw Cheewin. He punched Cheewin in the stomach as Cheewin fell. The other guys started to kick him. Num looked out of the window making sure that Cheewin really left. She looked and saw a couple of guys beating up someone.
“Who could it be?” Num asked herself. She looked around and saw that Cheewin’s car was still there.
“Cheewin” Num yelled. She ran down the stairs to outside. Num ran quickly to the fighting crowd.
“It’s her!” one guy said as he backed away. The rest of the guys did the same. They all stared at Num happily blushing. Num walked to Cheewin who was lying on the ground. Num was about to touch Cheewin.
“Don’t touch him, Num. You should choose me. I love you with all my heart.” One guy said. Num slapped him. She tried to think of a way to make them all go away.
“Don’t say that to me. Cheewin and I are getting married soon.” Num said.
“Oh, never mind. There are other pretty girls. Let’s go.” One guy said as all the guys left. Num sat beside Cheewin crying. What was she supposed to do?
“Num.” Cheewin said softly. Num grabbed his arm.
“You’re okay. I’m sorry, Cheewin.” Num said. She looked at Cheewin’s bloody arm. Num ripped the bottom part of her dress and tied it around Cheewin arm.
“I got it.” Cheewin said opening his other hand. In his hand was the lyrics crumbled up. Num read it. It said:
To Num, my love.
Num smiled and cried.
“Stupid guy. You got in this fight just to get this.” Num said.
“I just had to sing and give it to you.” Cheewin said. Num smiled and nodded. Cheewin cleared his throat and sang the song slowly to Num as Num smiled. Num loved the song. How could she leave Cheewin? What was she thinking? She didn’t care if Kaew would do anything to her. All she wanted was to be with Cheewin.
“I’m done.” Cheewin said. Num smiled and hugged him tightly.
“I’ll stay with you forever.” Num said. Cheewin hugged her back. He felt happy and loved.
“I love you, Num and forever.” Cheewin said laughing.
Mintah, Sila, Keo
They stepped into the house and sat on the couches. Phawat and Jieb were already there. Keo looked over at Jieb. She was a beautiful woman.
“I can see why Phawat chose her over me.” Keo thought sadly. Sila stared at Phawat and Jieb.
“Is this you’re wife? How could you have chosen her instead of my mom!” Sila said loudly.
“Son, this is Jieb. Please be kind to her.” Phawat said.
“Hi, I’m Jieb.” Jieb said softly. She stared over at Keo. This must be his other wife.
“I’m way better than her.” Jieb said happily in her head.
“I can’t stand this. I’m going back to Chai’s home.” Sila said walking out. He couldn’t believe that his father did this.
“Sila!” Keo and Phawat yelled as he walked away. Keo turned to Mintah.
“Mintah, please go watch him.” Keo said. Mintah nodded following Sila.
“Keo, we all will be going back to Thailand tomorrow.” Phawat said. Keo nodded smiling at Jieb. Jieb smiled back.
Sila and Mintah
Sila walked past his car.
“Aren’t you going to go in it?” asked Mintah.
“No, my mom will need it. Who would want to go into a car with that filthy woman and that hateful dad?” Sila said continuing to walk.
“Hey. Don’t say that about people. You don’t even know her that much and you’re judging her already.” Mintah said following him.
“I can already see that she’s just those women who want money.” Sila replied.
“Stop it. You think of every single girl that way. Why can’t you just get to know her first?” Mintah said stopping. Sila stopped and turned around.
“Let’s go.” Sila said grabbing Mintah’s arm. She pulled her arm away staying in one spot.
“I’m going back to Aunt.” Mintah said. Sila grabbed her arm leading the way.
“My mom said to follow me.” Sila said. Mintah followed him.
“You don’t even know this place. How are we going to get back?” Mintah asked.
“I don’t know. I thought you knew everything, smarty.” Sila said.
“Not everything. You’re the one leading.” Mintah replied.
“I got my cell, don’t worry. We won’t have to live here forever nor do you want to?” Sila said. Mintah shook her head and kept walking. They found themselves in a market full of running people.
“I never had been to a market. Let’s go.” Mintah said smiling.
“Really? You never have been anywhere.” Sila said smiling.
“Oh, you smiled. That means you must be happy.” Mintah said. Sila covered his smile.
“Am not.” Sila said. Mintah laughed. They walked into the market. Mintah looked over to the stores until Sila cell rang loudly. Sila and Mintah were startled by the ring. Sila answered the phone.
“We’ll come.” Sila said. He hung up.
“What?” Mintah asked.
“My mom, she wants us to go to Chai and Fun’s home. Something happened.” Sila said. Mintah nodded.
“How are we going to get there?” Sila asked looking around. Mintah spotted a woman getting into her car.
“I know. Wait here.” Mintah said walking over to the woman.
“Uh, hi, Auntie. Can you please give us a ride?” Mintah asked. The woman turned around.
“Me, Auntie? No way, call me Sister and since you called me wrong, I can’t give you a ride.” Sister said. Mintah crossed her arms and walked back to Sila.
“Did it work?” Sila asked. Mintah shook her head.
“Let me try.” Sila said.
“If I can’t do it, how could you do it?” Mintah asked. Sila smiled and kept walking.
“Excuse me, pretty woman. Can you please give us a ride?” Sila asked the woman. Sister smiled.
“Sure, why not. How can I say no to such a handsome man?” Sister said smiling. Sila turned around to Mintah and put his thumb up. Mintah walked their way.
“Her?” Sister said disgusted.
“Yes, she’s my, uh, my..” Sila was about to say.
“Oh we’re just friends and that’s all.” Mintah said. Mintah and Sila got into the car and Sister kept looking at Sila. She had never seen such a handsome man ever in her life.
“So where do you want to go?” the woman asked.
“Here’s the address.” Sila said telling her the address. As soon as they got to Chai’s house, Sila and Mintah got out.
“I’ll see you later, handsome.” The woman said blowing kisses. Sila smiled and waved. The car drove away.
“Such a kind woman.” Sila replied. They walked to the front of the house surprised to see everyone outside.
“What’s wrong?” Mintah asked.
“Someone bought our house and everything in it. All we got now is our clothes.” Fun said crying.
“Everything belonged to our dad and mom but they passed away a long time ago and now someone bought everything.” Chai said.
“I’ll buy it all back.” Sila said.
“It’s too late, Sila. We already signed all the papers. We had to.” Chai said sadly. Mintah went over to Chai and Fun and hugged them.
“How about this? Both of you can come live with us. Our house is big and has many rooms for both of you.” Mintah suggested.
“Really? Wouldn’t that be asking too much?” Fun said.
“It’s okay, really, Fun and Chai. You guys have always been right to me and kind to me. I must pay back for your kindness.” Sila said happily. Chai and Fun hugged each other.
“Yaaaa!” Fun said loudly. Everyone smiled.
“We’ll go back tomorrow.” Keo said smiling at Chai and Fun. She wad glad that Mintah thought of letting Chai and Fun live with them. Mintah was always so caring.
Num and Cheewin
Num was wrapping Cheewin’s arm with a bandage. Cheewin smiled.
“Thanks, Num.” Cheewin spoke softly.
“It’s okay. Anyways, you would have done the same.” Num said smiling.
“Aunt Keo called today saying that they were all coming back tomorrow.” Num said with a frown.
“That’s good. Why are you frowning?” Cheewin asked.
“Because Sila’s dad got remarried. His other wife is coming, too.” Num replied.
“Oh, poor Keo and Sila. We should plan something to make them a bit happier.
“Yes, but what?” Num said agreeing with the plan.
“How about set a welcome party.” Cheewin said.
“Yes we’ll invite everyone and how about everyone has to wear masks!” Num said. Cheewin nodded. They both high fived each other.
Author of Don't Know How To Love:
hihi, liking it. thanks for all the commenters. this chapter is pretty long :] i wonder whats gonna happen at the party, lmao. :]
i just wanna say thanks to my commenters:
ponglover, puch, jeeja :]
kaan is verii cute cute cute. kaew is not in this chapter, i think. sila and mintah, hehee, arguing always. cheewin and num, back together like they're supposed to be. keo, poor aunt, she's heartbroke from phawat. jieb, ughh, seems devilish, right? ruj so kind to his sister, caring person. :]] chai and fun, oohhh, no someone bought their house. mintah told them to live with her. nicee girlll. :] thanks for reading again. :] ill continue to type this fanfic.