I'm glad that I've dug this subject back up...suicide is bad, but it alone brings up many interesting sub-topics such as Sarnies' perceptions...
Tina, yes, my quote above pertains to several other subject matter ; and yes, it can be use and has been used to justify many other biased judgement...
Some might be ashamed to tell others their sadness / problems, but you know what? Moping around in misery isnt going to make anything any better, especially when you dont seek and avoid others who are willing to help.
Let these failure and disappointment in life be a lesson learned.
There are many unfortunate individuals out there as you've already mentioned in your post above...
Even if others might consider and or look down upon them as the "scums" of society, but some of these individuals are striving everday to live their life to the ultimate best in comparison to their current status...
This world offers a variety of flavors, but dont let one ruin the taste of others...