Wow, Henri IV. You must be brilliant !I have one too (Lekhalis LS). I mostly use it to see photos...
Well, not really... let's say that I used to be... too bad that it's not the case anymore >.<Wow, Henri IV. You must be brilliant !
Just keep studying ! If I'm not wrong, you have to deal with the Baccalauréat this year. Let me guess also this way : You are in the S section and you'll try to hit some Prepa or Grandes Ecoles . School sucks, I want it to end quickly...Well, not really... let's say that I used to be... too bad that it's not the case anymore >.<
joined the SW group just now... lolTina has created a sarNworld group. Feel free to join (sarnworld in the search bar or follow the link).
Ahah, welcome, welcome . Don't start to play too much games if you don't want to be addicted !lol.. hmmm for some reason i have to go on these days lol.. haha..
just type Julie Thao ... my pix should say julie.. ^_^
feel free to add me ...