same with you.Benz acting and beauty is amazing! At first I didn't like her but she grew so much on me, that I can't stand her nang rai roles. The lakorn with Aum and Cherry, I couldn't finish because I had high hope for Aum and Benz. I absolutely adore her! I have to agree with Kashie.
Joy R, not really a fan of hers and I admit she is pretty but I can't seem to find that attractiveness.
omg, it's like you were in my head!! i totally agree!Acting- Joy S.
- I love her so much because i use to hate her lol...but she changed me and anyone
that can change a bias person like me deserves recognition thinking through
the year she's reallie someting...she can be oh such a pitiful stupid gal and then the
next minute..i hate her cuz she's over powering pra' i love her voice lol
Beautiful- Benz
- I honestly think Joy R. is the most beautiful of the three but Benz's beauty is the most
under-rated...she's smoken hot and anyone who doesn't take the time to see her beauty
is missing out
aint vicky from da states? i forgot how i know dis or where i got it from but she can speak english. anybody can fake a fob accent lol her thai is off sometimes too lolI think Benz is drop dead gorgeous! I've watched a few of her lakorns & that girl got some talent! She caught my attention in her lakorn with Aum, Tep Tawan! Man her acting in there was just WOW. She did an amazing job.
I use to not like Joy R. but she grew on me. She's got talent & beauty. She deserves some more nang'ek roles!
As for Joy S, I've watched a few of her lakorns but I've never been to fond of her. She's gorgeous but something about her acting just rubs me the wrong way.
Fun, I don't think Vicky speaks fluent english.She tried speaking english in Yod Ya Yee & it wasn't pleasant...
but I could be wrong, her english might have improved since Yod Ya Yee came out in like `99.
OHhh she did I remember! It was the scene where she was in the hospital, after she just got shot. When she woke up, she said something like 'Hi how are you..." Or "i'm fine... thank you..." LMAO. something like that. I just remember laughing.Noy. In YYY I don't remember Vicki trying to speak English at all. Man that lakorn was so way back that I can't even remember the plot. The only scene I remember was the sunflower field. lol
Nence. Oh the lakorn with Aum, Cherry and Benz, man I couldn't chose either. But gosh, Cherry red lips was not apealing at all. But Benz omg, she was so freaking gorgeous but sadly in the end, she ended up in jail. It was actually a very disapointing ending.
Yeah I think she is from the states, but i don't know. maybe she faked her english LOL.aint vicky from da states? i forgot how i know dis or where i got it from but she can speak english. anybody can fake a fob accent lol her thai is off sometimes too lol