I agree. But then again you have American actors who would straight out say that they like all types of women but "prefer" women with porcelain skin, which is the same as saying white/light complexion. *shrugs* To each their own.First of all i dont know if it was his comments or someone making those comments up about "white skin girls w/big eyes"!! all i wanted to say is no matter how fine or hot he looks when someone makes those kind of comments i find him a SHALLOW person. That just totally a major turn off!! Of course everyone has a particular attraction about the opposite gender but when it comes to colour i think its wrong. Cause u know there are a lot of beautiful ppl out there who loves dark skin example: Beyonce, Halle barry, Alicia Keys and many more. Like wat other commenters said he should of described his type of girl should of been her smile, eyes and most important personality. HMMM I WONDER!! IMAGINE IT WAS A GIRL WHO HAS WHITE SKIN AND BIG EYES BUT IS FAT WOULD HE STILL GO FOR HER?????? HMM IM JUS CURIOUS!!!
I see where he's coming from but I don't think him wanting a girl with light skin has to do with class, I think it's just preference.Okay, I guess most of us are accustomed to the political correctness of the US, but Mart is from Thailand.
culturally, southeast asians prefer light skin girls because it represent high class. Being dark means you're a labor who works all day in the sun.
It's a culture thing. In america or some European country, it would be considered politically incorrect to say something like that.
It's not about race, it's about culture. I find it offensive too, but I understand the culture.
If he prefers light skinned girls so what, that's not nothing wrong with that. Some girls say this all the time, we like our dark and handsome.
I'm not really a big fan of Mart. His acting needs to improve, but he's watchable. I don't find him that attractive.