Haha, I can tell you the ending of it, but only if you don't mind me ruining it for those who hasn't seen it. But i might be a little too late on this topic.
So, Mo found the body of Mae Nak in the hospital while Cee was being in a ritual to remove the bad spirit or something like that. She had the piece of Mae NAk's forehead bone and put it back in place just before Cee got stabbed so he awakes and that saves Cee from dying. So at the end Mo and Cee gave a funeral for Mae Nak's body, then Cee and Mo went home. But there's a twist at the end where Cee wakes up from his sleep and finds Mae Nak standing there and he asked where Mo was. He realized that it was Mo who was in the casket instead of Mae Nak, so he rushed to go save her. He got there just in time when they were about to put the casket in the fire and he pried the casket open and Mo got out and they hugged. That was the end.