Global Warming


Sarnie Clown!
You guys know the deal. Thanks a lot to all of those that responded last week. I really appreciated your thoughts. For this week, I would like to talk about global warming and its effect on our planet. Let me know what you guys think and whether something strange is really going on.

Is doomsday on the horizon?
;) Marduk start to be serious?...this topic is really interesting because this question is on all the lips...where go the earth? Will the summer is between december to march and the winter in Jully-august? only the furture can tell it... but if we take time and look at the weather outside we will see that the weather nowadays is not like before when we are young....because nowadays the summer is really hot and can reach a temperature of 40°C and then too hot the same things for the winter which is too cold..;but it don't have only this things...because if we really pay attention with the weather we will see that's it's not normal because we are in October and the weather is the same like in August: little rain and a lot of sun and before in this same month it was already cold ....maybe what ppl don't want happen will happen and the season will not be at the right place... if think u start this topic because of the movie " la vérité qui dérange " ( "an inconvenient thruth") by davis guggenheim and with al gor? this is a really good movie..because it deal with a lots of subjects like the impact that it will be on the earth..only ten more years? maybe...the apocalypse? maybe ...but what is true in this movie is the fact that the global effect have a really big impact on our planet...maybe it's the reason of the Tsunami 2004, the quake and the flood (katrina) happen in differents parts on the earth..but what is really true it's the big impact on humans and ecological system (ice field in artic ocean )...
by the way i find ur avatar really nice


N i n j a
The first on what? The first to get warm or the first approaching doomsday?

Haha, it might just be the united state because the US wastes more energy than any other nation. But doomsday is soooo far away according to scientists but perhaps one day it will come for us. Let's all hope not if we could do something about it. I guess after watching movies like 'a day after tomorrow' it sort of raised some awareness regarding the causes of 'greenhouse effect' aka global warming. But we have to look at the factors.

Things that contribute to global warming :

-population growth and use of technology :)


sarNie Granny
See, monkey spanking . You know so much and i know so little and listening to u make me feel smart cuz i learn something new


sarNie Adult
Yea nice avatar.. that reminds me.. someone need to make one for me too :p

Such a big topic.. are you sure you'll be able to cover all the bases??

Anyway I have mixed feelings about this particular subject. The big problem I have with global warming is that it has become a "conventional wisdom" tagline. Ask anyone what they think and they'll just regurgitate what they see on an overwhelming scale in TV, Movies, newspaper etc.. Its just my experience that the older I get, the more I realised that most of the things told to me growing up were false but maybe thats just me. The only anti-global warning ideas I see in the media are on cspan (which by the way I call extremely fair). I actually caught Michael Crichton on there giving talk about his views. Yea thats right.. I was surprised to find out he is actually very much anti global warming.

Of course I can't say I'm anti global warming exclusively because of the amount of data collected so far for global warming. But I'm going to say that there is a vein of dishonesty. I note that alot of what I see they don't give the whole picture. Like for example, how much pollution does a volcanic eruption throws into the air? Or that certain areas in the world are getting colder? or that at one point in the past people actually believed that the world was getting colder? I wish this global warming thing was mainly in the more honest scientific community and not be wore on the shoulders of hollywood stars like a fad.

All I'm going to say is that we can't really predict whats going to happen. The amount of data collected so far is still within a tiny amount of time (although it is ALOT) of the planet age (if you believe the earth is very old). So I'm sorta sitting on the fence in this topic.


sarNie Hatchling
hey marduk, great topic. (F.Y.I., I'm actually a guy)

Global Warming is already happening and we can't completely stop it. All we can do now is just tone it down (slow it down.) The most effective way to approach this is by making some sort of rules and regulations on the usuage of our energy resources and find other alternatives. It's really all on the government to make these changes.

Sure, we all see these TV/Movies on Global Warming, trying to make us all aware of the problem. But it won't inspire everyone to cut down on their usuages because it's such a long term problem that some people might not even care. So if the government enforces rules and regulations on this, then everyone will have to pitch in on their part to help.

To sum up: the government needs to step up and make the necessary changes by limiting our current usuage of resources and start finding and developing alternative resources. Our U.S. government definately needs to step up because we are the major contributor to this global warming.


sarNie Adult
imma be dead by the time tha earth heats too hot i think lol i like talking about this i do it at skool what we predict is gonna happen lol kinda got freaked out when we had to watched the day after tomorrow


sarNie Adult
Ooo what a hot topic.
Global Warming is our responsibility afterall we're the one to blame. Okay yes there are other factors that also contribute to global warming other than human beings. but is it fair to say that ever since the industrial revolution, we cause so much pollution? It's not even the fact that volcanic eruptions contribute to global warming but how many times a year or a day do we see volcanic eruptions? It's pretty much slim. Also i can say that the ice caps also release methane and there are animals that also release CO2s into the atmosphere. Should we not do something about it because small amounts adds up? Why wait to do something later in the future to prevent this? We should act now by all means necessary. There are newer technologies that can help the environment but we just have to take it into consideration and do something with it. It all has to do with the change in our behavior. So take responsibility for our actions and make wise decisions.