Yea nice avatar.. that reminds me.. someone need to make one for me too
Such a big topic.. are you sure you'll be able to cover all the bases??
Anyway I have mixed feelings about this particular subject. The big problem I have with global warming is that it has become a "conventional wisdom" tagline. Ask anyone what they think and they'll just regurgitate what they see on an overwhelming scale in TV, Movies, newspaper etc.. Its just my experience that the older I get, the more I realised that most of the things told to me growing up were false but maybe thats just me. The only anti-global warning ideas I see in the media are on cspan (which by the way I call extremely fair). I actually caught Michael Crichton on there giving talk about his views. Yea thats right.. I was surprised to find out he is actually very much anti global warming.
Of course I can't say I'm anti global warming exclusively because of the amount of data collected so far for global warming. But I'm going to say that there is a vein of dishonesty. I note that alot of what I see they don't give the whole picture. Like for example, how much pollution does a volcanic eruption throws into the air? Or that certain areas in the world are getting colder? or that at one point in the past people actually believed that the world was getting colder? I wish this global warming thing was mainly in the more honest scientific community and not be wore on the shoulders of hollywood stars like a fad.
All I'm going to say is that we can't really predict whats going to happen. The amount of data collected so far is still within a tiny amount of time (although it is ALOT) of the planet age (if you believe the earth is very old). So I'm sorta sitting on the fence in this topic.