[GMM25] Wannueng Jaa Pben Superstar (GMM)


sarNie Oldmaid
Im waiting for them to fall for each other. I have to try my best to watch all his lakorns without Jui because it might be few lol. Even if it sucks, i have to try to get my Push fix. Lol.


sarNie Adult
Things are somewhat moving forward now. Today's episode was better. There were finally some cute moments between the leads.
I also find Gypso's acting annoying in here. If she was asked to be so over the top, the director made a bad decision.
Right now I'm more into the second leads' story. I agree with you guys...even Push's presence is not keeping me glued this time. :/


Mrs James Ma
Looking at Gypso in trailer, I knew I cant watch this but still tried for Push. The director must be stupid to tell her to be annoying or Gypso's acting is like that. I've not watched her other movies but judging her on her performance in this lakorn, she annoyed me to death  :arrg:  :arrg:  :arrg:


sarNie Hatchling
Do you need a thread or episodes? Cause episodes are much more useful and important. Lol. But here you go: http://asianfuse.net/discuzz/topic/60982-gmm-25-ugly-duckling-series-exact/page-22#entry1115184

Thank you @kitkat! Once you mentioned it was in your favorites I went ahead and checked by. Can't believe she's subbing so quickly. I had resolved to watch raw (unsuccessfully) until I saw it got picked up.
I admit this one is hard to flip on basically due to meandering directiing and storytelling along with one grating herione, and two hard to identify with main characters. The pacing is sloooooooooow, nothing much happens per episode plus WanNeung is hair pulling annoying. You can understand her situation, her dream, her goals(?) but she has no real game plan, which makes her come across irrational and pretty dim. Therefore, almost everything she says and does makes you want to scream! (Or is that just me?) But Win has me ever so slightly intrigued, though he causes his own set of irritations as well. I truly wish he'd be more proactive. He doesn't have to act but he's living like a criminal! From where I stopped, we don't know all the particulars, but it does seem as though he let things go too far without much of a fight. And now he's back hiding out, which makes little sense at all.
Overall, I don't particularly like WN 'cause "young and dumb" is and has never been cute to me (not to mention Gypso does a lot of shriek speaking. Though the fast talking works for WN.) but I totally see how he will grow feelings for her and if the plot is going down the trajectory I suspect, they will work and be adorable in the long run. I'm usually content with pairings as long as the characters are written to fit together and these two fall into that category. For now, Doc and May (though I'm not impressed with her at all either) are a tad more interesting where substantial development is concerned.

Just ready for some substantial strides and maturation.


sarNie OldFart
lol she annoyed me in the trailer already so...i had lil hope/interest even if my MAN push is in it


Mrs James Ma
Eng sub
Ep 1
Ep 2
Ep 3


Mrs James Ma
Ep 4
Ep 5
Ep 6


sarNie Egg
I really love this lakorn so far (have been watched until ep.7)..for me this lakorn is very funny.
Wannueng is a dreamer with minimum skills. But she is cute, funny, naive, rather silly eventhough a little bit headstrong.
I think the pace so far so good..not slow not fast.

And I hope the next episodes will not turn out to be too romantic or too full of intrigue. More comedy is better.