Going to college


sarNie Hatchling
I need help searching for scholarship and grant. For all of u that are going to college, could u please give me website or addresses that I could get help. Thank in advance.


sarNie Adult
here's some that i've gone to and gotten money from www.scholarships.com and fastweb.com, those two are the best!!


It's worth the wait P'Kev but....yo no tengo Paypal. Usted tiene que pagarme alguna otra manera. I promise it'll be sooooooo good you might want to pay me $100 but then you need to save moola to fix your stinking ass Destiny IV(is that her name? I don't even remember) that you crashed. Idiot.


sarNie Juvenile
Haha, if you're okay with giving your address out, I'll give pay in money order or cash. But it better be good.

I have good insurance.


20 kazillion people have my fake address. You want that? lol. Here I go. You better love this. If not then something must be wrong with you. Pay it up! Pay it up! If you pay for reals then hit me up.

Known as MizterKevin, yes ladies, its MIZTER; Kevin is very difficult to describe in 50 brief words. He has the voice that can woo girls in Houston, Texas from blocks away. He has the smile and dazzling eyes that mesmerizes Ly. He even has hands with the right feminine touch.


FAFSA and any grant and scholarship you are allegible for. Get it ALL!!! hahah =) if you live in california theres calgrant. ^_^


I just remembered about this, especially since I want money lol. I never got it Kevin! Well Kevin practically never visits SW anymore thinking he's too cool. Punk!


Don't forget your school's career center, if you have one. Usually if they know what major you're going to get into, they'll keep an eye out for you. Plus, colleges will visit your school usually at the career center, tell you about their schools, what scholarships, grants, etc... they're offering. So if your school has one, get acquainted with it asap. Also, please put your guidance counselor into some use.

Yes. Don't forget the fafsa which isn't only based on financial need, but it's also an application towards any scholarship or grants your college may be offering. That's what I did and just looked through the schools who gave me the best package and whether they were my top choices or not.