oiii...i wish i wasnt so sensitive sometimes so my head wouldnt be all tangled up in headaches. lol.
Anyways...gosh...you guys sure know how to go off subject. I was updating myself and reading all the posts in this thread and I obviously read lots of rebuttals...well, bashings more like, but i would agree that there was a good cause for someone to reply to someone else: because he/she felt offended. But then there were other posts where people bashed each other when i thought it was unnecessary. To me, some of the posts were just pure misunderstandings. It amazes me how heated and defensive we can get when we're already all hot n ready.
I think we need to get back on topic, which i think we should do as at this point many protests have already happened and more are being planned. I was watching some youtube clips and even though I am not a strong supporter of GVP, I was really amazed at how the protests were organized and runned. It was peaceful and thousands of people showed up at various ones. And they are getting the info about the group of Hmongs being tortured in Laos out to the media. Although I am not a strong supporter, nor a strong opposer, I applaud those people out there on the streets protesting for organizing and upholding their beliefs. I do, however, while looking at the clips find it kind of oxymoronish to have them shouting for peace. Planning on buying weapons to overtake a country doesnt ring peace to my ears. Now now...Im only saying. But it is hard either way if you look at it. Where's the peace? Who deserves peace? Is there any peace? Was there any? What
IS this thing we call peace? Gosh...its so mind boggling.
As for the general, the real issue is obviously wheather or not we support him. As i mentioned above, i am not a strong supporter nor in strong opposition of him, however i do find the readings that are made available to us through the media despicable. I do not support violence as Im sure many of you dont either and do not agree with the plans that the accused are being held for. My dad, along with many of your guy's dads, fought in the war alongside the general. In fact, my dad came out a liutenient in the Hmong army recruited so I know forsure that GVP wasn't the only one who brought us here. To me, my dad did. He's the one who led a small group of individuals through the jungles, survived the waters of the mekong, got into the refugee camps, and even secretly went back to help more individuals to safety. If he hadnt made it that far, even if GVP had already gotten airplane tickets, it would've been no use. My dad returned to Laos many times after he had settled in a Thai refugee camp to try to help out his family left behind and other hmong families. So it was definately not GVP that got us here. However, as much as I believe that, my dad doesnt. As much of a hero as I think he is, he thinks that the general was the one who made it possible. Recently Ive been dazzled by this. I mean, I've always known me and my dad's views were slightly (more or less) different but I was really baffled by this. So it made me think, the general must've done something great to our parents generation for alot of them, including my dad, to still strongly say what they believe. I mean, I still dont agree with their plan and I dont plan to if the accusations become true and I still am no strongly passionate GVP fan or anti-fan. But my point is, I saw my dad's point of view and Im accepting it. To me, my dad will still be the hero who got me, my family, and other individuals here but to him, GVP is.... somehow. It really makes me want to know what the general did exactly during those times of wars. Gosh...but whatev...I still dont want to whole heartly go to either side..and dont deny...there's forshure sides. We are definately not as one as many would hope because we simply cant all think alike.
But even with that nice story...I still cannot accept calling GVP my father or our savior. To me, its kind of ridiculous...almost like a cult or something. Gosh...what am I trying to say? I guess, to just hear others out and accept it. You can still have your own views & beliefs and no one can ever take that away from you. And work your voice baby! Cause thats the only thing you got..but please ...be nice, people.
so much for getting back on topic. lol.
p.s. I was running on a boggly (whatever that means) mind w/lack of sleep so yeaa...if it doesnt make sense...so what!
--edit--- I want to make this longer than it already is..lol. jk...i just remembered something

Amazing Ive been watching cbs news on tv lately (i hardly watch news) and gosh...it made me realize that being alive is quite a sad thing but we need to cherish it. There are so many sad news around the world. I cried when they covered the story about the 20 Iraqi orphans the soldiers found, the Texas flooding cause there were some deaths, and the fire that broke out killing some firefighters. These are all aweful news and its happening one after the other. Its really opened my eyes to what can happen in a blink of an eye. We shouldnt be here all bashing each other about this. This world can be such a tragic place to live in. It's so sad that things such as this topic and others around the world are happening. Can we just stop calling each other names for a while. At least give it a couple days...and then you can start again.