Here is Yaya's foreword in "Nadech in My Heart" Pocket Book, The pocket book from Nadech's mom.
Translation by Ilada Le
N'Yaya also contributed a paragraph to define Nadech:
"As for Me, P'Nadech is like Hercules for two reasons
(1) Because he has tons of energy (power) for his work, ever since I've been working with him I've never heard the words Can't do it, Can't handle it, Don't want to do it ~ instead I always hear Yes, and Yes ~ and I always see great determination in his eyes, he's very concentrated and very focused in everything he does to the max
2) And he can't be Hercules if he does not have the body, the look (facial features) and personality which I would describe as PERFECT!"
Cover photo of the pocket book
Cr to MrsChum for photos & post of translation and Ilada Le for translation