Sex: Male
Age: my age...or just a few years older...4 years at most though!
Nationality: Asian
Birth Place: Anywhere..does it really matter?...actually I won't marry anyone that's not a US citizen..he just might be using me for a green card!
Current Place: I hope he's either at school..getting educated..or at work right now
Eye Colour: You know I'd like to say like blue or green...but I just know I'm going to end up with an Asian guy.
Hair Colour: Natural or what?..dark hair...i like dark hair on can be colored..but like no blonde or anything.
Hair Length:...hmm..depends if he has nice hair or not...if he does..i'd like it to be a little long (like oil's hair) so i can run my fingers through it. If he doesn't have nice hair..he better keep it short!
Hair Style: Anything that looks good on him..but it has to be nicely styled!
Skin Colour:...hmm..light or dark..doesn't really matter...but i have to admit..i'm somewhat into the chinese looking guys..not chinese...but chinese looking.
Looks:..what about looks?...i think that physical attraction is everything...i mean.the guy doesn't have to be drop dead gorgeous....but i have to like his face..i've been attracted to not so looking guys before...and there has to be something about his appearance that catches my eye.
Body Shape:...hmm..i like tall guys...i'm not tall myself..but i like the idea of a short girl holding on to a big guy..i think it's cute!

mg..his voice cannot be higher than my voice!...and my voice isn't all that yah..i love deep gackt..totall orgasmic man.
Accent:...i don't mind accents...unless it's like totally fobbish..then that's a turnoff.
Sense of Clothing:...i'd like a man who knows how to dress himself..and knows what he looks good...cuz you know what?...the latest fashion doesn't look good on uh...he has to know that he may not look good in everything..and doesn't try to dress up in the latest fashion just because it's in style.'s always hard for me to describe what kind of personality i like..because...when i list keeps going and going..and then i'll just leave things out'll just put one thing i don't want in a guy...arrogance.'t all that stuff i talked about up there qualifications? it!!!..haha
Job: He has to have a job that provides a stable income..we would both be the amount he makes doesnt matter too much...and i want to live comfortably without worries
Extra(others)'s so much easier to list what i don't want in a here goes
-he can't be a jerk
-at our wedding..(hahaha...)..."can you celebrate?" by namie amuro has to be our wedding song..and i will sing it...if's off!
-he can't be lazy..ugh
who would they most likely look like if they don't know..i can't picture him...
watch...i'm going to end up with a guy that's totally opposite with what i talked about!