You know we've always had this skin? and you could have picked it to be your default skin since last year
Although Ning is having some issues with this new version of the skin. I wonder how many of you guys have the issue (in the reply box your text isn't automatically formatted down).
The deal is that I get to pick one and sarn the other one. One dark and one light. The light skin will be the default and the dark skin will be available for you to pick. I know alot of people like darker color like me.
This is the one sarn picked and one I will be installing whenever I get access to the files.
Some updates:
Last night we were down for a bit as I migrated the VPS to another server. Earlier today I've been reformatting our server and installing the latest xen kernel and hypervisor. Basically I'm upgrading everything at work including our server
That way when I move it back, it should be faster and healthier like now.
I will be finishing up the rest of the mods tonight IE radio, reputation etc. and add a few more. BTW chat is done! Log in the chat with your username/pass (it should do that automatically actually. I'll take a look at it tonight). Can click through 3 ways. On the top link, direct forum link, and through a popup at the bottom (clicking on that coffee icon).
New server ordered, and it should be available for me to twiddle with tomorrow. The video site will appear shortly after some tweaking. Maybe a week later.
I also got some other secret project that I'm planning to do. I'll keep it a secret because I don't want to make any promises as I'm pretty busy and might not get it done for a while. I always tend to pile things on myself.