Well its about time to do some upgrades for the forum which entails money.
I got a cool mod to track all the donations automatically! Its very cool! Check it out!
(Donate me!)
You can donate as anonymous (for those shy people) and anonymous amounts also
Also people can donate through the snail mail. In the past some members prefer to do that. Thats perfectly fine. Just PM me and I'll give you my address. Also I'm going to add the past donations into goals. Need to make a record of it.
The main reason why I'm doing it because I need some help with a new video server. As you know we lost our old one. Its a long story so I rather not get into detail. But I'm bringing it back. The bad news is that we will have to start from scratch (I feel the pain of losing the videos). The good news is the forum will be integrated with the video site so we won't have to reregister. I'm just bothering you guys to help me with this initial payment.
I'm dedicating this week and next week to work on these enhancements. My classes start next week so I want to get thing rolling starting tonight.
I'm going to be doing a few things. Listing them.
1.) Upgrade the forum to the latest version (more secure) and then redo ALL the mods (reputation, radio, skins, etc. etc.). This is going to take a few days. The hard ones are going to be the flashchat and radio. I want to setup a more advanced radio bot also.
2.) Prepare the new server and get it all ready. I'm turning it into a similar system as our current server but with openvz instead of xen.
3.) Install the video site again and do some advance stuff to integrate them across separate servers.
4.) Setup some advanced backup system
So that should keep me busy for quite a bit. I rather do it now while I have time.
Anyway this time I promise to keep the video site up permanently. Of course we may have to move around depending on space and traffic.. but not for a while. The one I'm looking at has massive amount of traffic so we won't be crossing that boundary for a while.
So yea.. show me a little love you peps! I ain't making money off this so I need a little motivation.
I don't want anyone to feel bad if they can't donate. Don't feel obligated. Giving money isn't for everyone and doing other things on the forum such as keeping it active, uploading, editing wiki, etc etc is a way of donation.