<br />Violence against anyone is not warranted, but I do disagree with people who see things black and white. Who thinks that things are clear cut, and easily dishes out judgements based upon their personal experiences. <br /><br />I think that peoples circumstances are difficult, and you should nt easily group people into nice little neat packages. Due to complex circumstances people sometimes make bad decisions. Just because you made different decisions doesnt mean that you re right and they re wrong. I work with kids like this everyday. Its hard work to live a good life, and you only have one to learn from. We can only encourage one another to better ourselves even after we have made poor decisions, and that we all have within us the possibility to overcome our past if we dont close the door on one another. That is what I understand.<br />
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when it comes to gun violence and murders, and killings of innocent bystanders, then i have to pass judgement. they are the ones who make it hard for other people to live. I don't have time to analyze what those gangsters do or did not do. the point is, they joined a violent gang and caused their family pain and heartaches, not to mention crimes and murders. There are always choices, they can choose to get an education and take advantage of the system or choosed to be cowards and shame their family by joining gangs just becvause they they think it's cool. you can paint a pretty picture and try to analyze them all you want, that is your problem; but you're probaably not the guy that got shot just for being at the wrong place and at the wong time.
And if you ask me, gangsters are no different from terrorists. So if you want to sit there and analyze the terrorist who killed innocent people, then...again.. it's your problem. As for me, I will keep passing judgement on those gangsters, because I don't believe in violence, guns, crimes, and murders. And for the record, it's funny how you are trying to lecture me about passing on judegement, when you are the very one passing judement on me saying I only see in black and white. In my lifetime, I see all kinds of colors, maybe even some colos that you don't even know exist. As for me, I like to promote families, fiends, happiness, education, and peace. Why some people choose to promote and understand violence is beyond me.