Is lydia still with MATTHEW DEAN???


sarNie Egg
The mv which matthew dean was in someone posted saying that matthew is lydias ex?? Is this true? And if it is true wat happened? THATS really sad cause they look good together!! PLZ COMFIRM SOMEONE!


Staff member
Matthew made some stupid mistakes ex; moon people off esclators Lydia saw this as a hold on her career I guess and came out and said, "we were never together" LOL


sarNie Hatchling
really? because I was watching a talk show lastnight and she was on it, and Matthew was on the show with her. He came to suprise her and she was all happy and her face was soooooo RED! They look really cute together. Got to admit Matthew is hot! I think the show is called Ra Tee Sa Mo Sorn.


He was by her side to support her during her feud with Mor Krit. They're still "close friends" as they would say, which pretty much means they are still an item.


sarNie Oldmaid
Matthew made some stupid mistakes ex; moon people off esclators Lydia saw this as a hold on her career I guess and came out and said, "we were never together" LOL
LOL :loool:

i know...1st i was okies w/ Mat. Dean...then he got stupid
flash the paparazzi w/ his ass and had the guts to say
it was okay "that's what the ppl in america do" WTF :blink:
which America did he land in?

Lydia was in tat picha too..all smilely...ewww...
but yea like she said "they were neva together..." :rolleyes:


sarNie Juvenile
I remember reading that Matthew moon the paparazzi, LOL. I think Lydia was with him at the mall when that happened, and her father was not too happy about their relationship.


Staff member
so they're a thing again.. ? .. i remember seein the article of matthew mooning somewhere but i cant seem to remember..