Iss Pyaar Ko Kya Naam Doon [ Starplus ]


sarNie Oldmaid
:shrug: OK call me crazy, but after reading 'the conspiracy' at IF and I having funeral for ASR :crazy: It got me thinking weird and I got my own conspiracy theory too. :secret: :bhehe: :rofl:

Because of the way the CV's butchers both ASR and Khushi characters so badly, it will be hard for us/audience to understand this ASR now when, they're showing that ASR's past was totally different from what we once thought it has been. So I came to the conclusion with... WHAT IF... ?

What if CV's is playing with us?
What if all these joker episodes is all a dreams?
What if their wedding never happened?
What if ASR never recovered from the car accident, and all these is only part of either his crazy nightmare/dreams or Khushi crazy dreams about being with ASR?
What if CV's is only testing this track to see how the show is received by us and if it doesn't turn out well, they will make this into something that was totally unexpected... He died or in a coma and dreams all of this? After all, this show is different from other shows, also they like to twist and turn the story at the last minute to throw us off anyway, so what if all these actually never happened?
What if Barun will leave the show for sure and CV's is finding a way to bring in new ASR by killing off ASR, but keeping his memory alive in another person/new entry, so he will look different? :D (LOL I'm watching too many switching body shows :lolyup: )

That is all I can think of now, because of the way they ruined ASR's characters and his past so badly. He became totally different person with his ex. and totally forgot that he even has a wife. :annoyed: Now I totally wish Khushi would leave him to his pathetic, arrogant lonely life that he once was.

So what do all of you think? :scratchchin:


sarNie Oldmaid
We're so mean but it's true ... he deserved all these bad love lmao

I like the what if but i don't want it .. b/c i want them to stay married.
I know, I want them to be married too, but his characters is sooooooooooo ruined and totally different from what ASR suppose to be that I want it to be a dreams. I want the old ASR back!

And yes either way he is still dead to me since yesterday episode and today episode making me want to buried him deeper in the ground. :woot:


sarNie Adult
i still not put on white flag... i mean i'm not officially joining Maya...
i will give a last chance to tonight ep... if the ep get more worsen... then maybe...
it still maybe... cause i really can't help my heart!!! even such a bad ep like yesterday...
my love for Arshi never reduce... n when the time come... i will go crazy if i'm not watching them!!

please girls don't give up!! i just waiting for that SHIT basketball game to end!!!
then who knows aarav missing track will bring back our Arshi to life!!!
really hope that... i want a big hug of Arshi...

BTW... maha episode on 3 nov confirmed!!
here the promo!
cr as tagged

ps~ thank god still got Madhubala to recover my dissappointment toward this series...


Staff member
can i just add a little more hate to ASR again?
i want to cry with khushi (actually, i'm crying now)
she's just as sensitive as i am seeing ASR with another woman
if i'm khushi's shoe .. i would feel the same way.
I really think she's pregnant b/c she's so vulnerable in everything.
it looks as if she wants to run away and cry ..
i so hate ASR .. how can he not see her silent cry :(
Just a stare and you could see how sad she is
And yes, i went and watch today episode ..
upon seeing ASR giving her mean frown ..
i just want to cry with her .. :cry:

NOW, I WANT HER TO LEAVE ASR forever!!! Enough is enough!
i'm done if he breaks SHITALL'S fast :(


sarNie Oldmaid
It's alright Rehann, is only 2 strikes, but if tonight episode turn out to be just as bad, then it will be the 3rd strikes, then you can join me to mourned for him. :woot: :dance1:

:bhehe: I'm sorry Cecilia, would you like tissues or shoulders to cry on? :flowers: :blahblah:

But at least you now know how I feels and why I want ASR to dies, dies, dies :arrg: I can't stand the way he is treating her, is like she doesn't even exist, while he seems to be aware of everything that Shit-all is doing. :arrg: :smack:

Whatever happened to their telepathy communications? How can he not aware or sees that Khushi is hurting? :thumbdown: Whatever happen to his dark past that we once believed? Why are we not seeing happy playful ASR whenever Shit-all is around? :rant: DAMN IT! The more I types the more work up and crazy my mood is. :rant: :whatever:


Staff member
I think they lost the telepathy b/c someone's connecting with Khushi instead (hahaha - i swear i want this ARSHI BABY so bad to happen)

I just feel so bad for Khushi -- seeing ASR bonding with Aarav. Can you imagine --- if Khushi were to ever have a child .. i think she'll sacrifices herself and her child for someone else's happiness ... she's so helpless, hopeless, and vulnerable! i just want to go in and hug her .. then take her far far away from ASR so that they will not connect through any sort of means.


sarNie Oldmaid
OMG patience is wearing thin too!! ASR was so disappointing!! :smack: :teary: :no: :weep: My heart ache for Khushi!! This is sheer torture to see your hubby behave like that!! :cry: :cry: :cry: Today's episode was so unbearable to see such pain from Khushi! I was sick to my stomach the whole time and it was twisting so bad with anxiety!! :sick: How could this happened?!! CVs completely assassinated their characters!! :rant:

BTW, I'm getting through this by distracting myself with FF! This is really hard but we can get through it together!! :grouphug:


Staff member
I catch a little bit of the live stream ... all i can say is PREPARE FOR BIG DISAPPOINTMENT .. KHUSHI -- please leave. I've never encouraged you before .. but now, it's time for you to pack up and leave this ignorant man alone to cry in the dark when he search for you. I want to put this 'I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU, KHUSHI' talk into test. do it, do it!!


sarNie Adult
I catch a little bit of the live stream ... all i can say is PREPARE FOR BIG DISAPPOINTMENT .. KHUSHI -- please leave. I've never encouraged you before .. but now, it's time for you to pack up and leave this ignorant man alone to cry in the dark when he search for you. I want to put this 'I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT YOU, KHUSHI' talk into test. do it, do it!!
now Khushi in sad mood~
even worse than before... at least before she will do silly thing since she want to find the truth.. but now...
she just fed up... n don't know what to do anymore... Arnav not even sensitive how Khushi change!! it is invisible for him now...
yeah.. the reaction of who he said 'I CAN'T LIVE WITHOUT U KHUSHI' ... so how come he being so insensitive for someone so important like that???
even we are frustrated why Khushi do all that silly thing that turn her to laughing stock but we know that Khushi's nature!!
but Arnav... where the old arnav gone... he didn't care for Khushi at all... he just have to look at her once... then he will know how hurt she is...
what this hell CV try to do?? now it turn unlogic!! how a man who so in love with her wife... change in a night??? i know he angry but now i can't found any hint of his anger anymore... what i found is... he had changed! Khushi not that important to him anymore...

agree with u ceci... Khushi has to disappear from there now... let all of them go to helllllll!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ohhhhh~ so frustrating!!


sarNie Adult
Khushi, please pack up and go to Buaji's place without telling ASR! He doesn't know what he's loss until it's gone... Gosh, I hate ASR and Sheetal today! I felt so bad for Khushi... Currently MAD at Arnav Singh Raizada...


sarNie Oldmaid
I actually don't feel so bad today, because I didn't expect much, and ASR was already dead to me since few episodes back. But I agree with all your girls that Khushi should leave, Arnav is an idiot, so there is no point for her to stick around seeing all those inconsiderate idiots at the RM.

And what is that SHIT-all trying to do to Khushi with all those old pictures? :rant:


sarNie Adult
this track sure will drag down this series~
actually the starting not that bad... it full with Arshi romance n funny love but then...
after Arnav get mad... they lost the connection... evrything was turn unbalance!!
everyone bashing the CV's.. for what he had done to Arshi~
even this track look that it will not last long but that so risky... every Arshi's fan was damn dissapoint right now~
we have survive that long kidnapping track n they do a very great job on showing over Arshi soul connection...
but why this one so differ?? it really test my patience with all their testless connection!! we can stand even if no arshi on the ep... no rabba ve... another roles is overshadow arshi... but we can't stand to see their losing their magic like this...
are their magic's had fade away??? please CV prove that what i write here was so wrong!!! bring back that magic!!
come out from that cave n listen to all bashing n complaint from all ur series supporter!!! please yaar bring back my great night with Arshi~

this man~ Dishank Arora was romours to play as Dhruv in IPK...

this is Yash younger bro in Punar Vivaah right???
he acting was quite good for me...
hope his entry will bring something good for this series...


sarNie Oldmaid
^Thanks Rehann for sharing the news!! This track is starting to drag!! I completely agreed about what you said! After Arnav got mad, everything was so different. They certainly lost the connection and magic!! I'm wondering if Arnav is punishing Khushi for not having faith in him. But alas, I'm very disappointed in Arnav too!! After watching yesterday's episode, I felt like Khushi should leave him too. Just go to Buaji's house!! I was feeling so bad and sad for Khushi!! :cry: :cry: :cry:


sarNie Oldmaid
Was reading WU and Aarav was mad at Shit-all and he said this "I knew you won’t tell me.. you all are bad people". Then to Khushi he said "when my mum and dad, whom I have never met, don’t care about me, then why do you worry about me?" So is that mean Aarav might not be Shit-all son after all :scratchhead2:

EDIT: I feels that today episode does not connect with yesterday episode at all. Maybe cv was reading all the negative feedback and change the mood a bit, which doesn't connect with last episode at all.


sarNie Adult
Was reading WU and Aarav was mad at Shit-all and he said this "I knew you won’t tell me.. you all are bad people". Then to Khushi he said "when my mum and dad, whom I have never met, don’t care about me, then why do you worry about me?" So is that mean Aarav might not be Shit-all son after all :scratchhead2:

EDIT: I feels that today episode does not connect with yesterday episode at all. Maybe cv was reading all the negative feedback and change the mood a bit, which doesn't connect with last episode at all.
yes i can feel it also~ they choose not to drag too much about yesterday... i think it about the feedbacks too...
i realiazed that... yesterday many forum... many articles come out to bash about how this IPK current track... they complaining about Arshi's soul connection n magic chemy... how can Arnav never sense Khushi sadness... even when she make jalebi?
then today they put on... Arnav asking Khushi... 'are u upset? then why u make Jalebi?

CVs sure afraid of all the feedbacks... thank god they come out from the cave!!!
if not they might got a parcel with a dead dog n a knife with full of blood if they keep on like this~ so they better not keep it up!!
hahahaha it sure scary right!! hahaha... about other series i don't know but if it Arshi i believe that sure happen... hahaha
so CVs if u don't want that 'sweet parcel' just keep on... give us Rabba Ve... instead of that Shit~ hahahaha getting crazy...
sorry girls..

check this out girls~
that Dhruv rumours come from here... wiki already come out in casting list... who gonna play for Dhruv's role...


sarNie Oldmaid
:shock2: OMG I am stuck reading this page. http://www.india-for...asp?TID=3268002 It started with 4 pages, by the time I was done reading 2 pages. it jumped to pages 23, and I can't stop reading. It was hilarious, yet sad at the same time. Stupid cvs really took us for a ride and they freaking ruined our show on purpose, because they want us to give up so they can end it! :rant:

EDIT: Cecilia I think now my "WHAT IF" ideas can come in handy... so we can erase this SHIT track out of our memory, and if you want baby Arshi, we can have the same actor play Aarav to play as their baby instead. :bhehe: