OMG ladies, i just died and went to heaven for a second time now because my sugar level just exploded. i don't think anyone can take that much sweetness inside of them without exploding like me.

gosh can an ending be sweeter than this? i just lovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeee JLG's ending!!!!!!!!!!! :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: these two should hook up for real! i just love them so much and really really wish that they can become a real couple. ok, there are so many things that i loved in this last episode. well, basically this ep. was entertaining from beg. to the end. i just loved every sec. of it. here are some of the things that i really loved:
i really loved all the scenes at pom's house, and what a beautiful house he has. it was mean of pom when he let nim sleep outside even though i knew that he did it because he wanted to test her. i loved that mek kept on looking out the window to see nim and feeling sad about seeing her sleeping like that. i loved how the next morning, nim was all tired and sore but got so excited and happy once pom told her that she could go and see mek. haha...the thought of being near mek took all that soreness away. i just loved her look and excitement in that moment. :wub:
the next part i loved was when nim took care of mek. i loved the part when he dropped the spoon and nim rushed to his side and put her cheek against his while touching his face with her other hand. gosh they looked so cute like that. :wub: another part i loved was when she's about to take off his pants.

i loved her expression when she was going to loosen up the strings. i cracked up big time when pom suddenly busted inside and got both nim and mek startled.

you can tell that cherry was about to laugh for real when they showed her smiling while she walked out of the room. that whole pant thing got me blushing big time. :blush:
another part i loved was when she knew the truth and jumped into the pool. i was laughing when Prakard pulled pom by his ear and nim pulling mek's ears while he was pointing finger at pom and telling her that it was all pom's plans.

the whole pool scene was so cute and funny. the next scene was also great. i loved when the parents came out with katha to reveal the plan. what a naughty and cool parents they are.

it looks to me that only nim and prakard don't know about the whole plan. i was wondering what the dad said to make everyone laughed out loud.

anyways, it was so cute of mek when he was holding her hand and trying to make her forgive him. i just love his smile so much. :wub: he has such a sweet/cute smile that is hard for anyone to
resist. :wub:
the next part i loved was when pom & prakard were at the beach. like Kayla said earlier, jane looked so beautiful in this scene with her hair down like that. i don't understand why she is not giving n'ek role too since she has the look and talent to be one.

anyways, i loved her and pom as a couple and them at the beach building that cute sand house was so sweet/cute. i cannot say enough about their wedding. the whole thing: the beach, cake (i would love to have a bite of that), dresses, hair styles, ring exchanges, flower throwing, etc. were sooooooo sweet/cute. loved their smiles when they were exchanging their rings. it was such a surprised when it was nim's assistant and her partner who caught the flower cause i thought it would've been either nim, da or pat. haha...loved the dancing part.

i especially loved when mek smiled and put his head on nim's shoulder. it was so cute when she tap his nose and then wrapped her pinky around his. gosh they are so adorable! :wub:
last but not least, nim and mek sweet scene at the beach. i loved how adorable nim was when she followed mek's footstep. first i was wondering why they are not walking hand and hand but having nim skipping behind mek like that. when i saw what she was doing then i understood why. i though it was so cute of her to do that. i just loved everything about this scene. the little peck on the cheek mek stole from nim was so cute. also, it was so sweet when she put her feet on top of his and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed him on the chin. man i was smiling and blushing like crazy seeing how sweet they are. :wub: they seemed so comfortable around each other that we cannot help but think that they do love each other for real. how awesome it is if it were true. we as a fan can only hope.

anyways, it was so cute when he lean in to kiss her while she tried to turn around and run, then having him grabbing her and spinning her around while they both laughing. awww....sooooooooo cute!!!!! :wub: it was nice too in how they ended it by having them hugging each other while kissing. haha...the bloopers were funny and nice to see too.

i love it when they add those on at the end.
overall, i give this lakorn a perfect 10. like Kayla mentioned, JLG has everything like many great lakorns should have: sweet, funny, cute, misunderstandings, etc. that make it an enjoyable lakorn to watch from beginning to end. i gotta say that i loved all the couples in here: nim/mek; pom/prakard; katha/pat; da/chat; nim's assistant & the glasses guy; and nim's parents. they are sooo cute and the whole cast played their part to perfection especially cherry and chakrit. like Kayla, i never remembered watching any lakorns that have the cast rooting and helping the pra'nang like JLG did, and making the storyline centered on the love between the n'ek and p'ek. it was such a cute/sweet refreshing lakorn for me to watch. i just loved that about it. it was also nice to see ruttah turn good at the end too. all goes well for everyone.
i read about some of the lakorns you ladies wanted our Charry to star in. i thought those picks are awesome and would love to see them at least get to star in one of those if not all of them. i really love them as a couple and wish Nuer Mek will not be the only other lakorn they pair up. they are too awesome together to be paired in only two lakorns.

GO CTEAM!!!!!!!!!!!! CHARRY 4 EVER!!!!!!!!!!!
while waiting for Nuer Mek, i will start on a JLG marathon to keep me from being sad and bored.