hello khun ying sala.. i missed u super much..helo darlings gawd man i'm like 75 + pages bhind
edit hahahaha i own this page.. almost the whole page xp lol..
hello khun ying sala.. i missed u super much..helo darlings gawd man i'm like 75 + pages bhind
hmmmmm no.. i didnt get one ..=O BAU! AIKO! darlings bau did u get my other Pm the long one? aha
hello ami .. missed u much .. yup kekeke.. whooohooo .. i cant wait for it .. love u ami.. **hugs**LMAO you considered that lucy aiko???
*oh btw i just sent the letters out today..to the rest of the sisters!![]()
damn it i'm so freakin madddd!!!! UGH! i freakin lost the list the one i keep in my purse and it had like from 1151-1200!!!!! on it and i cant FN finddddd it! i'm so mad dang it i've been straining my brain to figure out where i mite have put it this is so freakin gay
yup.. jus only a few pgs left kekek... good lukks catching up ks..LMAO dang aiko u realy bhidn ahhaha but don't worry i haven't even read pg. 1000 yet lmao i mean i have but like i'm stil on page. 950 something
hahaha .. u were scared of that .. hahaha... i gues its because i was scared by my cousins them so much that im not really scared of anithing that much animore xp lol..ur dog went "woof-woof" huh :loool:
me on the other hand shouted n ran out of my room..lol :loool:
hahaha i could see.. muahahaha ... did u enjoy spammin??lol..what happen to the names???
abit???? a lot dear..alot -_-
haha...i was so free that day lol...
yup.. jus need rr hahaha dang i miss her xp ..gah spam gang is on lmao just need RR
LMAO i'm assumming ur RELE bhind b/c i recall saying that i give you my QUEEN POSITION to you lmao ahhaa cuz i wana be princess ahhahaha but yeas Bau is QUEEN SALA IS PRINCESS Aiko and RR can keep the same places lmao
hahaha of course we luv this thread.. who wouldnt??haha..bu i love this thread more..lol
it sound ok but maybe u need more practice...talkin bout that....i need to practice my guitar too..lol
awww...take ur time dear
yup king 98 rr is busy these days like me xp lol.. i luv u more An .. xp..yeah...she said she's vry busy these days![]()
haha...luv u too
hahaha... ur not even at ur page yet?? xp lol..gawd only on like page 964
LMAO! haha i saw this wen i was posting and i saw GP and RAPE in big letters so i had to read first LMAO! girl what! what! are u tryin to say something here? lmaooooooo ahhah yes i can be QUEEN OF 69 since i gave my queeness of spamming to BAU hahaha
LMAO ok i'm on my page 969!! hahaha where all i see are my AIKO'S posts
of course.. kekeke.. i feel so loved keke.. by my khun ying sala xp lol..LMAO omg i love you
hahahha do u really lmao.. xp .. hahaha love u too gp..hahahhaahha girl evrytimei read this lmao i like die laughing hahahahahhah i love you
torture.. hmmm i i i ..lol.. kekek.. dont worry an othas will kill u but not me.. for i shall protect u for i am the prince xp lol.. j/k..lol..hw do i sound like?funny eh?havin sire throat during my recordin
lol..of coz not...if i do that..i'll get killed for sure..wakakaka
hahaha yup.. hmmm will it still be jungle roll. when we migrate to bgst??ahhaha of course lmao that's how we JUNGLE ROLL hahahahhahahahha
of course.. kekeke.. its so hot..xp ..glad u liked it![]()