Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


Staff member
I have to tell that joke to my friends!!
omg sorry donna i left u hangin .. sowwy i went to atch up on some stuffs.. kekekeke.. u wanna know the answer .. i'll pm it to u xp lol.. kekekeke.. so the othas can still guess lol.. hahaha my guy friend told it to me a few wweks ago lol.. xp.. n he asked me if my reaction was this ^_______________________________________________________________________________
_________________^ .. kekekekeke n i was like almost lol.. hahahahaha .. gosh i miss him .. T_T.. kekeke..


Staff member
JLR top 10 spammers.. xp..

Grudgeprincess 3419
rahut-rissaya 2851
xlilanimeanjox 2795
SethT 1457
cecilia 1203
cutefuzzy 957
sarN 936
ellem 923
amikrazie 774
Prisna 755

kekekekkee.. i def cant catch up to gp but kekeke only about hundred then 2nd place will be xp .. kekekkee come on aiko spam lol..


Staff member
kekekeke im currently ranked number 11 on the Top Posters xp kekeke.. yay i went up one today xp .. kekeke..