Jamleuy Ruk (Makers Group)


still not better from the cough but SARN, CHEN, AND FUNFUN been keeping me busy with their fiction.. you gal should head there. it's so INTERESTING AND ADDICTING !!

where's aff? .. you dont' see her? .i have her face paste in all those girls faces. :p .. i like the one of him in boxer uniform, she look so bad ass with those dark makeup!
wow i feel so retarded hahaha i didn't reconigze her! geez i'm going blind LIKE AMI! :lol: jk but i looked again hahah and i see her now hehe wow i feel retarded hahahha but yes i need to head over to the fanfiction section hehe and i have more to add to the list and i need to put my flute together haahha but geez! do ur colds/coughs usually last this long?? i hope you feel better soon my darling!



How funny cecilia I didn't even notice it was Aff face on those girls !!!! :loool: :loool: :loool:
GP your not the only one who ask where is Aff after seeing those pictures.. :loool:
YES! THANK YOU! I"M ALONE!!! YAY! hhaahahahha yes i feel better now hehe love you Van! hehe of course we are on the same team darling hahah who was on the jetski w/ you wen Starry was w/ Harit???? hahahha yea yea its all comming back to you isn't it? hahahahaa but thank you for ur support my darling! hheheh i need to head over to the fanfic section to read the updates hehe and i have more to add to the list haha i still haven't put my flute together yet cuz of JLR distractions hahhahahahaha and Van darling i WASN"T the one who was plotting against you! i was just ENHANCING what the other sarNies planned :loool:


sarNie Adult
:spin: I take my WARNING back. I'll let you have Umm for today...OMG a whole day w/o Umm...I'll just resort to my steamy sha...ugh I'll keep it to myself..Dont want anyone going after him too. :tease:
I'll just direct my WARNING towards Van. She's a tough one..She'll probably stabb me with my own knife! :loool:
Yes... Im the tough one beside Prisna but she not here. Girl, I love you to much to stabb you with your own knife but I can't promise you what I will do to keep you away from MY HARIT... :loool:


Yes... Im the tough one beside Prisna but she not here. Girl, I love you to much to stabb you with your own knife but I can't promise you what I will do to keep you away from MY HARIT... :loool:

haha where has our lovely Prisna been? she needs to come back!!! hahaha i think those twins are getting hard to take care of hahahhahaahhahah yes Van is VERY VICIOUS hahahaha hehe so how was ur day my lovely darling?


sarNie Adult
haha where has our lovely Prisna been? she needs to come back!!! hahaha i think those twins are getting hard to take care of hahahhahaahhahah yes Van is VERY VICIOUS hahahaha hehe so how was ur day my lovely darling?
I'm very tire GP!!!!! The pass few days was very hard on me and my poor friend. The friend that I told you guys that just broke up with her boyfriend. Been at her house for a few days to consoling her. I been crying so much with her!!!

Coming back and read all the posts had help cheer me up a lot. You guys are so lovely and fun to be chatting with.

My mom want me to eat the left over PHO again, I been eating it for the pass two days. I don't know if I can eat anymore PHO. :wacko:



457.Before doing an assignment, watch JLR for inspiration and motivation. After finishing the assignment, watch JLR for rewards for long hours of sitting down, reading, thinking and typing *credit to CIKNA*
458. we've learned to TRUST NO ONE!! ahhahahahahahaha
459. bedtime? what bedtime?? theres only JLR TIME!
460. we've found pictures to go along with our plans
461. you have opened/started an online photo storage to hold all these pictures associated w/ JLR
462. we model our SORIYA CLOTHES but look no where near as good as Soriya herself
463. we don't say "I WANT TO JLR" we say "WE HAVE/NEED TO JLR"
464. so many "T" words used (trees, trains, toilets etc.) hahahhahaahaha

465. telling each other goodnight and sending love w/ hugs and kisses is our daily routine
466. we're gona all die together from the FEVER after we tortured each other w/ the tree tieing and what not
468. we talk about our dinner and our JUNGLE FOOD
470. staying on the computer too long has made us blind hahahha (AMIKRAZIE) HAHHAHAHHA and is now spreading to everyone else hahahhaha
471. so much can happen/change over a night's time
472. we're not using JLR TUNES/SONGS as our ringtone nemore. we're now gona use HARIT/SORIYA'S HAWT SEXXXY VOICES
473. we wait for the next chapters of the fanfics like we waited for the new episode to air
474. now we don't tell each other we'll be on tomara (cuz we kno we'll be on everyday) instead we have to tell each other when we're NOT gona be on HAHHAHAH
475. we never experience anything alone we're alwayz in it together
476. we can picture and play out Harit and Soriya doing every word of the fanfics
477. we have to act out our own (role play) Soriya/Harit scenes
478. staying on til midnight is considered early HAHHAHAHHA man we stay on til 1-3 AM! hahahha
479. we are constantly BABYSITTING the thread hahahhaa
480. we need to think of new plans to take down one another. being tied to trees has quit working hahahhahahaaahah
481. we have to keep our JLR PINKY PROMISES HAHHAA
482. our JLR THREAD is the perfect thing to cheer us up and we always leave it feeling happy!


I'm very tire GP!!!!! The pass few days was very hard on me and my poor friend. The friend that I told you guys that just broke up with her boyfriend. Been at her house for a few days to consoling her. I been crying so much with her!!!

Coming back and read all the posts had help cheer me up a lot. You guys are so lovely and fun to be chatting with.

My mom want me to eat the left over PHO again, I been eating it for the pass two days. I don't know if I can eat anymore PHO. :wacko:

aww my darling! i've been crying as much as you have cuz i missed you so much! :lmao: but haha same here i've been eating PHO for A WHILE now hahhahha thank god i ate some rice today wen i got home from school hahahhahaha but i'm glad you've joined us!


aww my darling! i've been crying as much as you have cuz i missed you so much! :lmao: but haha same here i've been eating PHO for A WHILE now hahhahha thank god i ate some rice today wen i got home from school hahahhahaha but i'm glad you've joined us!

483. JLR has developed many laws including EVERY WOMEN FOR HERSELF
484. man that scroll bar keeps shrinking and shrinking ---> HAHHA


I TOLD YOU ITS EVERY WOMAN FOR HERSELF IN HERE! :loool: gp cant wait to hear you!

HAHHHAHAHA omg hahah ok got the list posted up now after i post this i have to assemble my flute hahah are you in here darling? i don't see ur name.... VAN!!!! HIDE HIDE HIDE!!!! hehe GP has here CAMOFLAUGE ON :tease:


sarNie Adult

465. telling each other goodnight and sending love w/ hugs and kisses is our daily routine
466. we're gona all die together from the FEVER after we tortured each other w/ the tree tieing and what not
468. we talk about our dinner and our JUNGLE FOOD
470. staying on the computer too long has made us blind hahahha (AMIKRAZIE) HAHHAHAHHA and is now spreading to everyone else hahahhaha
471. so much can happen/change over a night's time
472. we're not using JLR TUNES/SONGS as our ringtone nemore. we're now gona use HARIT/SORIYA'S HAWT SEXXXY VOICES
473. we wait for the next chapters of the fanfics like we waited for the new episode to air
474. now we don't tell each other we'll be on tomara (cuz we kno we'll be on everyday) instead we have to tell each other when we're NOT gona be on HAHHAHAH
475. we never experience anything alone we're alwayz in it together
476. we can picture and play out Harit and Soriya doing every word of the fanfics
477. we have to act out our own (role play) Soriya/Harit scenes
478. staying on til midnight is considered early HAHHAHAHHA man we stay on til 1-3 AM! hahahha
479. we are constantly BABYSITTING the thread hahahhaa
480. we need to think of new plans to take down one another. being tied to trees has quit working hahahhahahaaahah
481. we have to keep our JLR PINKY PROMISES HAHHAA
482. our JLR THREAD is the perfect thing to cheer us up and we always leave it feeling happy!
WoW!!!! Your lists got up to 484 my god.. The lists just getting funnier and funnier. The fever is rising higher and higher for us JLR jungle fever sisters.. :dude: :dude: But I LovE IT :wub: :wub: :wub:


Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
Have to go read the fanfic-- that's what we're all talking about, right?

I still love the scene when Harit "meets" Soraya in Sunsanee's house he says "What's your name." and then later says all super slow: "Oh... Soraya." Oh, love the way he says her name in that scene--surprised he didn't knock Sunsanee out and pounce on Soraya already. *LOL*

omg! :wub: I absolutely love this scene and can remember EXACTLY how he said it! *faint* Really is irresistable!
lol! i also wonder why they didn't have Harit pounce at So! you could tell he so wanted to do it! augh, HAWT! :kiss:

Sarn, really??? gah! want to know what he says!!! ....


WoW!!!! Your lists got up to 484 my god.. The lists just getting funnier and funnier. The fever is rising higher and higher for us JLR jungle fever sisters.. :dude: :dude: But I LovE IT :wub: :wub: :wub:

hehe tahnk you my darling hehe i still have to comment back on YT hahah but when i can cuz i'm tryin to do this flute thing now hahahah ok got it assembled hahhahaha WOO!


sarNie Adult
I TOLD YOU ITS EVERY WOMAN FOR HERSELF IN HERE! :loool: gp cant wait to hear you!
That's very cute Moh!!!

Hi Starry!!!! You are here early today, my dear.

Hope all the JLR jungle sisters can all be in here together today!!!! That will be great!!!! :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:


sarNie Adult
Oh... I have to go visit my baby cousins~ I'll be right back. I haven't even finished reading the last page yet, but had to post.

Girls... girls... girls!! It's a full out war here??

I'm scared this is gonna happen cause everyone's out to get everyone else. *LOL.*

** I didn't make this, only found it somewhere. sorry, forgot where.