before heading to bed. since NITESTARRZ post the link there. i thought maybe i'll just hotlink it from tv3 and post it here.
i like this wally of aum/aff. love aff with that gesture .. they seriously need to stop that pencil filter. it's annoying now.
so prety. man, why do they keep making it pencil like wally, i'm getting sick of it. can't they just make it nice and plain.
AUM looks good here but aff doesn't for some reason
WOW. look at JOY, she look so OLD in here
Credit: TV3 and NITESTARRZ for the link
hm, what should we do in the meantime, watch DAN'S and AE' sobbing story. and talk about what lead their attraction from one part to another. :loool:
TWINKY, more spoiler from the mag? .. i wont' mind feeding on them day by day until it air again