muahah. van, you can be innocent to the jlr sisters but not to me :lol :: when i pour UM over, you'll be on the floor slipping away .. :loool: .. PLUS i don't know how you can avoid them good steamy fics's like so GOOD .. BETTER than my um's pictureS na kha. stop being innocent. we BROUGHT STD to the bad side already and she's under agego and read them hot fic .. it's way better than the pictures i pour here .. you can imagine beyond the writers' mind .. even FUNFUN have metaphor for it ..
std i have to go and eat .. will come back later to spam .. i'm converting my thai lakorn into dvd tonight tooOH .. WE should add to the list .. WE HAVE SECRET METAPHOR TERMS TO DESCRIBE THEM HOT MOVES for HARITH/SORIYA :loool:
ehhehe me 2 i be bak in a lil bit hehe i hope to see u on wen i get bak heheehe tonite for dinner we are haveing FRIED EGGS w/ RICE! lmao and some chicken pot pie ur still eating even if u not hungy cuz GP eat fo you kk lmao i'll add it wen iget bak heheeeh
neena i see u darling heheh kk bbl gona eat my FRIED EGGS