Is your "nom" Fai-approved?
Chapter 5
Most of the people were busy changing and getting ready to attend the after party.
“Ai nong! Where did the two of you disappear to?”
Nadech and Yaya both apologized profusely for their absence, but Nala wasn’t mad since there really was nothing they could do, and besides, the Wild Masquerade theme was a success.
“But I’m annoyed that the maintenance here is so careless, not even cleaning up the wet floor! It nearly made my show have such complications,” Nala huffed after they all changed and refreshed. “It wasn’t bad enough that Matt hurt herself too.”
“Really?” Yaya asked with concern.
Nala waved aside the issue. “She’ll be fine.”
Kim added, “And we were saved by these two here.” She pointed to Mark and Mint.
“Yaya and Nadech, you’re ok though?” the assistant asked.
“Nadech ka!”
Their heads turned when Matt entered. She paused before limping dramatically over to Nadech.
“Are you ok?”
“I’m hurt so much. Help me!”
Nadech had no choice but to assist her over to a seat.
“Will you be staying for my part?” Nala asked.
“I told my mom I’d go home to meet her after we were done,” Kim said. “Yaya, you should get some rest too. Want me to give you a ride?”
“Yeah, thanks a lot. P’Nala, I’m sorry once again.”
“Don’t worry about it. But I’ll definitely want you for my next fashion show. Promise not to disappear with a boy next time? Even though I can’t blame you because Nadech is irresistible, “ she joked.
“Ka,” Yaya replied, embarrassed. “Mint, Mark, see you two.”
“Good night.”
Mint made a hand gesture ‘Call me’ to Yaya.
Yaya glanced over her shoulder at Nadech before leaving with Kim.
“Nadech ka, it was terrible. I couldn’t even be in the finale.”
Nadech smiled. “They took care of it though, so no need to feel bad.”
“But…where did you go? I was worried about you.”
“Uh…something came up and I couldn’t make it.” Nadech was sure if news spread that he’d missed the show and WITH Yaya, it wouldn’t be good. Then he saw Yaya saying good bye to the others. “Um, I’m going to go talk to someone quick.”
“Wait!” Matt pulled him back. “My leg hurts so much. Stay with me,” she pleaded.
“Does it? Is it hurting a lot?”
“I’ll go get the medic.”
“Nadech! Wait! Nadech!” Matt called to him but he was already gone. She exclaimed in annoyance.
“Did you hear? Someone locked Yaya in a closet.”
“Who would be so mean? People can take pranks too far.”
“But I heard Nadech got locked in with her.” They whispered.
“Of course, Nala asked people to hush up about it…”
Matt’s face contorted with shock, and then rage. Nadech not only missed his modeling with her, but he was with Yaya the whole time!?
“Damn it!”
The two girls stopped to let Nadech catch up. “You’re feeling better now?”
“Ka. You’re really over-concerned. I’m fine. I should ask you that though.”
“Of course I’m ok. But…what about that dinner you promised me?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay and take care of your partner? You missed out on so much time with her today.”
“Matt? The medic said she wasn’t injured much,” Kim chimed in helpfully.
“Mm,” Nadech nodded. “Hey, don’t try to skip out on your promise,” he shook a finger at her.
“I’m not. But Kim is giving me a ride home. I feel considerate of her.”
“It’s no big deal. I didn’t know you had a previous engagement,” Kim said with a knowing smile. she noticed Yaya making a “NO” face at her. “Uh…but I think she should get some rest. She did fall and get hurt.”
“You’re right,” he nodded. “But I’m not letting you off the hook.”
“It’s not like I can avoid you anyway. I’m seeing you tomorrow.” She bit back a smile at the thought.
Nadech smirked. “I just remembered. Well then, good night you two.”
“Why didn’t you just go with him?” Kim asked. “Don’t let me be an obstacle.”
Yaya’s eyes flashed. “What are you talking about?”
“You didn’t have to be considerate of me. You promised him dinner before you said you’d come home with me.”
“It’s not like we won’t have more opportunities to see each other. Why, you don’t want to hang out with me?”
“Course not, silly. But it seems like you were avoiding him. Why? Didn’t you get used to each other enough while in the closet?” Kim smirked cheekily.
“Ba. I don’t know what you were imagining.”
“Does that mean something happened for me to imagine about?” Kim asked excitedly. She had always secretly supported Yaya to date Nadech, but they both only kept at a friendship level so she didn’t want to be pushy towards her best friend.
Yaya gave her a soft whack on the arm. “Don’t be crazy. That’s ridiculous.”
“Aow, give me some details,” Kim persisted.
Yaya looked away from her. Trying to remain casual. It wasn’t bad enough that they’d been so close when she almost slipped. Had she imagined when it seemed like Nadech was closing in to kiss her that time? And then later… She shut her eyes tight. How could she be so clumsy?
Kim shouted, “What? Why do you look like that? Something did happen! Oooo…was it that romantic in there?”
“Oui, that’s ridiculous! Nothing happened!” Yaya denied frantically.
“Don’t lie!”
“I’m not! I swear. What the…” She held her head up. “I assure you nothing like that will happen between me and Nadech.”
“Hey, don’t make such declarations. You might have to eat your words later.”
Nadech tossed away the towel he was drying his hair with and fell backwards into his bed. He had left the party fairly soon, trying to avoid Matt, though he told Mark it was because he was tired.
“Tch, you didn’t even walk the runway. Why are you tired?”
“Well, even more reason not to be here. I didn’t even get to do the job.”
“Please. Nala loves us to death, she doesn’t care. Or,” Mark eyed him closely, “you have some other reason to be guilty?”
Giving him a flat stare, Nadech said, “No, just don’t feel like partying tonight. See ya.”
Did he have a reason to feel guilty? No, considering it wasn’t him who had done anything to Yaya. His memory flashed to the closet.
Nadech tried to be careful pulling the pins out of Yaya’s hair, but one time, he yanked hard and accidentally caught her hair also.
“Augh!” She yelled and jumped up, banging her head into his chin.
“Heeuy!” he yelled in equal pain.
“Ai ba, are you trying to give me a bald patch?” she asked.
“Are you trying to shatter my chin?” he blinked in pain.
“Well it was an accident!”
“Then we’re even.”
“No way.” She hit his chest lightly with her fists. He ducked and backed away to avoid her but he reached the wall soon seeing as the room wasn’t all that big. With nowhere to go, he tried to save himself by seizing her wrists. But she was able to slip free and she laughed, no longer angry but determined to annoy him. “Don’t think you can get away.” She quickly hopped on a box so she could reach his head easier and tried to pluck at his hair, though not aiming to really hurt him. The box she chose could not bear her weight, however. Feeling herself about to sink, Yaya lurched forward. The box had added the perfect height for this occasion, for she swung at Nadech and her lips landed neatly on his as he, of course, cushioned her from the wall.
Recalling what had happened, Yaya curled up on the bed and hid her face in a pillow, like it would be able to soak away those shocking moments.
Pushing herself away, Yaya realized she had her hands flat on the wall on either side of his head as if she was about to attack him. He looked absolutely stunned and Yaya thought she had kind of theoretically attacked him.
“It was an accident!” she said. Then, as fast as she could, Yaya extracted herself from the box, all the while her face burning up since she was forced to continue holding herself up with her hands, so close to Nadech. Finally free, she went and sat back where she had before, praying it wouldn’t cave in on her too because she couldn’t stand anymore embarrassment. Facing away from Nadech, she had no clue what he was doing, but as the minutes ticked by, her face cooled down and when her heart was beating normally again, she heard him stir behind her. Holding her breath, she heard him say quietly,
“It was an accident,” and started helping her remove her hair pins, as if nothing had happened, for which she was eternally grateful.
“You! Stop trying to suffocate yourself with the pillow!” Kim scolded. Throughout her recount of the tale, Yaya had kept hiding herself among the pillows so that either Kim or Mint (who Kim had called straight away for reinforcement) had to force her to surface so they could hear Yaya clearly.
Mint cleared her throat, trying not to look too pleased. “Well, you don’t really have to be so ashamed. It was just an ‘accident’, right?”
Yaya glared as Mint and Kim caught each other’s eyes with their lips pressed tight to keep from laughing. “Go ahead and make fun of me.” She grumpily crossed her arms.
With a nod from Kim, Mint said, “Well, we just want to let you know that we approve.”
“Approve of what?” Yaya asked sharply.
“Of you and—“
“No! Don’t say it, don’t you dare! It’s not even like that!”
“Oh come on Yaya,” Kim said, tugging on her arm to placate her, “Can you honestly say that you don’t like him?”
“I mean,” Mint looked at Yaya’s open and silent mouth, “Who doesn’t like Nadech?”
“Right? The first time I saw him, I was like ‘OMG’.”
“What?!” Yaya gaped at her.
“Is that some jealousy?” Kim shook her finger at her.
“N-no! I was just shocked that that was what you thought about Nadech.”
Kim rolled her eyes. “The boy is hot, you can’t deny it. But of course, I’ve always only seen him as a hyper little brother.”
“And for me, he’s like a clownish big brother,” Mint added. “What kind of brother is he to you?”
Yaya realized that for a while now, she had stopped seeing and sensing Nadech as a brother, but quickly answered, “Uh…a normal one?”
Her friends snickered.
“Well, we’re very close friends, aren’t we? And not just with me, he’s friends with you two also!” she pointed out.
“But we aren’t the Madame of his Farm,” Mint said.
“Or his angel,” Kim said.
“Or the Lord of his heart!” they exclaimed together and collapsed in a pile of giggles.
Yaya groaned and collapsed on top of them. How was she going to face Nadech tomorrow?
“Being friends is nice, but don’t you want to, you know,” Mark waved his hand in front of him, “be more with her? Hey,” he pointed, “Don’t even try to lie to me.”
Nadech made a face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You need me to say her name again?” Mark asked flatly. “Because lately whenever she comes up in conversation, you seem to have a lapse in memory often.”
Nadech scowled at him. “You’re the one who brings her up.”
“Can I help it if you two so obviously need assistance getting things straight?”
“Look, she and I are perfectly happy with the way we are now. FRIENDS.”
“Sounds like something you’d say to a reporter.”
“You’re being worse than the news reporters, stop it.”
“By the way, I helped you with that. No one’s going to report that you and Yaya were together tonight.”
“Well, even if everybody knew, the truth is that nothing going on between us, so there’s no danger right?”
“You’re getting careless. Reporters will make it seem like you two snuck out together or something. You watch out. But now that I think about it, you should be more wary of a certain sneaky and vicious tigress,” Mark added. “She’s a persistent one.”
“If you’re referring to Matt, I’m not letting her get to me, don’t worry.”
“Tell that to your sweet Ying.” Mark ducked as Nadech took a swing at him.
Author's note-------------
Holiday break is over for me. :teary: I will do my best to keep up with JHJ! I hope you're all doing well.
I just wanted so much more to happen in that closet lol
h34r: but nothing too big because Yadech really haven't reached that point where they know for sure their feelings for each other.
Thanks for reading.
Most of the people were busy changing and getting ready to attend the after party.
“Ai nong! Where did the two of you disappear to?”
Nadech and Yaya both apologized profusely for their absence, but Nala wasn’t mad since there really was nothing they could do, and besides, the Wild Masquerade theme was a success.
“But I’m annoyed that the maintenance here is so careless, not even cleaning up the wet floor! It nearly made my show have such complications,” Nala huffed after they all changed and refreshed. “It wasn’t bad enough that Matt hurt herself too.”
“Really?” Yaya asked with concern.
Nala waved aside the issue. “She’ll be fine.”
Kim added, “And we were saved by these two here.” She pointed to Mark and Mint.
“Yaya and Nadech, you’re ok though?” the assistant asked.
“Nadech ka!”
Their heads turned when Matt entered. She paused before limping dramatically over to Nadech.
“Are you ok?”
“I’m hurt so much. Help me!”
Nadech had no choice but to assist her over to a seat.
“Will you be staying for my part?” Nala asked.
“I told my mom I’d go home to meet her after we were done,” Kim said. “Yaya, you should get some rest too. Want me to give you a ride?”
“Yeah, thanks a lot. P’Nala, I’m sorry once again.”
“Don’t worry about it. But I’ll definitely want you for my next fashion show. Promise not to disappear with a boy next time? Even though I can’t blame you because Nadech is irresistible, “ she joked.
“Ka,” Yaya replied, embarrassed. “Mint, Mark, see you two.”
“Good night.”
Mint made a hand gesture ‘Call me’ to Yaya.
Yaya glanced over her shoulder at Nadech before leaving with Kim.
“Nadech ka, it was terrible. I couldn’t even be in the finale.”
Nadech smiled. “They took care of it though, so no need to feel bad.”
“But…where did you go? I was worried about you.”
“Uh…something came up and I couldn’t make it.” Nadech was sure if news spread that he’d missed the show and WITH Yaya, it wouldn’t be good. Then he saw Yaya saying good bye to the others. “Um, I’m going to go talk to someone quick.”
“Wait!” Matt pulled him back. “My leg hurts so much. Stay with me,” she pleaded.
“Does it? Is it hurting a lot?”
“I’ll go get the medic.”
“Nadech! Wait! Nadech!” Matt called to him but he was already gone. She exclaimed in annoyance.
“Did you hear? Someone locked Yaya in a closet.”
“Who would be so mean? People can take pranks too far.”
“But I heard Nadech got locked in with her.” They whispered.
“Of course, Nala asked people to hush up about it…”
Matt’s face contorted with shock, and then rage. Nadech not only missed his modeling with her, but he was with Yaya the whole time!?
“Damn it!”
The two girls stopped to let Nadech catch up. “You’re feeling better now?”
“Ka. You’re really over-concerned. I’m fine. I should ask you that though.”
“Of course I’m ok. But…what about that dinner you promised me?”
“Are you sure you don’t want to stay and take care of your partner? You missed out on so much time with her today.”
“Matt? The medic said she wasn’t injured much,” Kim chimed in helpfully.
“Mm,” Nadech nodded. “Hey, don’t try to skip out on your promise,” he shook a finger at her.
“I’m not. But Kim is giving me a ride home. I feel considerate of her.”
“It’s no big deal. I didn’t know you had a previous engagement,” Kim said with a knowing smile. she noticed Yaya making a “NO” face at her. “Uh…but I think she should get some rest. She did fall and get hurt.”
“You’re right,” he nodded. “But I’m not letting you off the hook.”
“It’s not like I can avoid you anyway. I’m seeing you tomorrow.” She bit back a smile at the thought.
Nadech smirked. “I just remembered. Well then, good night you two.”
“Why didn’t you just go with him?” Kim asked. “Don’t let me be an obstacle.”
Yaya’s eyes flashed. “What are you talking about?”
“You didn’t have to be considerate of me. You promised him dinner before you said you’d come home with me.”
“It’s not like we won’t have more opportunities to see each other. Why, you don’t want to hang out with me?”
“Course not, silly. But it seems like you were avoiding him. Why? Didn’t you get used to each other enough while in the closet?” Kim smirked cheekily.
“Ba. I don’t know what you were imagining.”
“Does that mean something happened for me to imagine about?” Kim asked excitedly. She had always secretly supported Yaya to date Nadech, but they both only kept at a friendship level so she didn’t want to be pushy towards her best friend.
Yaya gave her a soft whack on the arm. “Don’t be crazy. That’s ridiculous.”
“Aow, give me some details,” Kim persisted.
Yaya looked away from her. Trying to remain casual. It wasn’t bad enough that they’d been so close when she almost slipped. Had she imagined when it seemed like Nadech was closing in to kiss her that time? And then later… She shut her eyes tight. How could she be so clumsy?
Kim shouted, “What? Why do you look like that? Something did happen! Oooo…was it that romantic in there?”
“Oui, that’s ridiculous! Nothing happened!” Yaya denied frantically.
“Don’t lie!”
“I’m not! I swear. What the…” She held her head up. “I assure you nothing like that will happen between me and Nadech.”
“Hey, don’t make such declarations. You might have to eat your words later.”
Nadech tossed away the towel he was drying his hair with and fell backwards into his bed. He had left the party fairly soon, trying to avoid Matt, though he told Mark it was because he was tired.
“Tch, you didn’t even walk the runway. Why are you tired?”
“Well, even more reason not to be here. I didn’t even get to do the job.”
“Please. Nala loves us to death, she doesn’t care. Or,” Mark eyed him closely, “you have some other reason to be guilty?”
Giving him a flat stare, Nadech said, “No, just don’t feel like partying tonight. See ya.”
Did he have a reason to feel guilty? No, considering it wasn’t him who had done anything to Yaya. His memory flashed to the closet.
Nadech tried to be careful pulling the pins out of Yaya’s hair, but one time, he yanked hard and accidentally caught her hair also.
“Augh!” She yelled and jumped up, banging her head into his chin.
“Heeuy!” he yelled in equal pain.
“Ai ba, are you trying to give me a bald patch?” she asked.
“Are you trying to shatter my chin?” he blinked in pain.
“Well it was an accident!”
“Then we’re even.”
“No way.” She hit his chest lightly with her fists. He ducked and backed away to avoid her but he reached the wall soon seeing as the room wasn’t all that big. With nowhere to go, he tried to save himself by seizing her wrists. But she was able to slip free and she laughed, no longer angry but determined to annoy him. “Don’t think you can get away.” She quickly hopped on a box so she could reach his head easier and tried to pluck at his hair, though not aiming to really hurt him. The box she chose could not bear her weight, however. Feeling herself about to sink, Yaya lurched forward. The box had added the perfect height for this occasion, for she swung at Nadech and her lips landed neatly on his as he, of course, cushioned her from the wall.
Recalling what had happened, Yaya curled up on the bed and hid her face in a pillow, like it would be able to soak away those shocking moments.
Pushing herself away, Yaya realized she had her hands flat on the wall on either side of his head as if she was about to attack him. He looked absolutely stunned and Yaya thought she had kind of theoretically attacked him.
“It was an accident!” she said. Then, as fast as she could, Yaya extracted herself from the box, all the while her face burning up since she was forced to continue holding herself up with her hands, so close to Nadech. Finally free, she went and sat back where she had before, praying it wouldn’t cave in on her too because she couldn’t stand anymore embarrassment. Facing away from Nadech, she had no clue what he was doing, but as the minutes ticked by, her face cooled down and when her heart was beating normally again, she heard him stir behind her. Holding her breath, she heard him say quietly,
“It was an accident,” and started helping her remove her hair pins, as if nothing had happened, for which she was eternally grateful.
“You! Stop trying to suffocate yourself with the pillow!” Kim scolded. Throughout her recount of the tale, Yaya had kept hiding herself among the pillows so that either Kim or Mint (who Kim had called straight away for reinforcement) had to force her to surface so they could hear Yaya clearly.
Mint cleared her throat, trying not to look too pleased. “Well, you don’t really have to be so ashamed. It was just an ‘accident’, right?”
Yaya glared as Mint and Kim caught each other’s eyes with their lips pressed tight to keep from laughing. “Go ahead and make fun of me.” She grumpily crossed her arms.
With a nod from Kim, Mint said, “Well, we just want to let you know that we approve.”
“Approve of what?” Yaya asked sharply.
“Of you and—“
“No! Don’t say it, don’t you dare! It’s not even like that!”
“Oh come on Yaya,” Kim said, tugging on her arm to placate her, “Can you honestly say that you don’t like him?”
“I mean,” Mint looked at Yaya’s open and silent mouth, “Who doesn’t like Nadech?”
“Right? The first time I saw him, I was like ‘OMG’.”
“What?!” Yaya gaped at her.
“Is that some jealousy?” Kim shook her finger at her.
“N-no! I was just shocked that that was what you thought about Nadech.”
Kim rolled her eyes. “The boy is hot, you can’t deny it. But of course, I’ve always only seen him as a hyper little brother.”
“And for me, he’s like a clownish big brother,” Mint added. “What kind of brother is he to you?”
Yaya realized that for a while now, she had stopped seeing and sensing Nadech as a brother, but quickly answered, “Uh…a normal one?”
Her friends snickered.
“Well, we’re very close friends, aren’t we? And not just with me, he’s friends with you two also!” she pointed out.
“But we aren’t the Madame of his Farm,” Mint said.
“Or his angel,” Kim said.
“Or the Lord of his heart!” they exclaimed together and collapsed in a pile of giggles.
Yaya groaned and collapsed on top of them. How was she going to face Nadech tomorrow?
“Being friends is nice, but don’t you want to, you know,” Mark waved his hand in front of him, “be more with her? Hey,” he pointed, “Don’t even try to lie to me.”
Nadech made a face. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“You need me to say her name again?” Mark asked flatly. “Because lately whenever she comes up in conversation, you seem to have a lapse in memory often.”
Nadech scowled at him. “You’re the one who brings her up.”
“Can I help it if you two so obviously need assistance getting things straight?”
“Look, she and I are perfectly happy with the way we are now. FRIENDS.”
“Sounds like something you’d say to a reporter.”
“You’re being worse than the news reporters, stop it.”
“By the way, I helped you with that. No one’s going to report that you and Yaya were together tonight.”
“Well, even if everybody knew, the truth is that nothing going on between us, so there’s no danger right?”
“You’re getting careless. Reporters will make it seem like you two snuck out together or something. You watch out. But now that I think about it, you should be more wary of a certain sneaky and vicious tigress,” Mark added. “She’s a persistent one.”
“If you’re referring to Matt, I’m not letting her get to me, don’t worry.”
“Tell that to your sweet Ying.” Mark ducked as Nadech took a swing at him.
Author's note-------------
Holiday break is over for me. :teary: I will do my best to keep up with JHJ! I hope you're all doing well.
I just wanted so much more to happen in that closet lol
Thanks for reading.