Jao Ying Lum Sing (Polyplus)


sarNie Oldmaid
too late now New is the praek just accept it and wait to see if it will be good, doesn't really matter to me who the praek is, Pinky is nangaek i'm happy.she look cute with all her praeks anyways


sarNie Adult
They better dress New up alot in this lakorn so atleast they would look somewhat cute together, if that made sense at all ..

LMAO ! :lol:


sarNie Oldmaid
but for sure Pinky's character will be fun to watch. she's a princess who kick ass and sing mor lum too. very interesting! can't wait to see it. Pinky always get to play a challenging role. she's lucky. and she play all her characters very well too. not like other ch7 nang egg who keep on playing the same role like pancake so boring!


sarNie Adult
haha. lol, what did they say about this one with New-Pinky? hopefully not good comments or was it? LOL