Jao Ying Lum Sing (Polyplus)


You're Average Person :)
the teaser looks good and the songs are good...gosh that picture where pinky is on new's lap, he look so stiff there...thanks for the pictures


sarNie Adult
I love the second teaser!
Pinky's singing/songs sound so good in here! :D
I especially cant wait for her fighting!
Hope it'll be a good lakorn ^_^


sarNie Adult
I hope this lakorn wouldn't
dissapoint me like aof and pinky's... (the ending)
I hope they have plenty of sweet scenes...
I can not wait. I love the second teaser. so cute!


sarNie Oldmaid
omg a real kiss again for Pinky, didn't like that,she shouldn't have,why gotta have that, so sad that she didn't have a real kiss(on the lip) with Aof :angry: want a new la korn with Pinky and Aof, they need to do another la korn together, SBS ended to fast and doesn't have lots of love scenes either. oh sad :lmao:


sarNie Adult
I'm so excited about the mouth to mouth!
can't wait to see it. wonder if there's another
coming. LOL. yes, teedee, I wished she had
a kiss scene with handsome AOF. but hopefully
they'll do another sweet lakorn together. =]
I want new pics or teaser!!!!


sarNie Adult
^^Haha, i think the the kiss is going to be funny, since Pinky is disguised as a guy. :lol:
If only, Decemeber 3rd would come faster..


sarNie Adult
I know, you can already see new struggling
in the water of that thought. LOL but oh well...
he'll be happy once he finds out she's actually
a girl. LOL


sarNie Oldmaid
yeah, i'm still crazy about SBS, yeah hopefully Pinky and Aof will get to pair up again soon and this time hope there's more sweet love scenes of them, but can't wait to see Pinky in JYL.