Jao Ying Lum Sing (Polyplus)


sarNie Oldmaid
that does sucks! :angry: but i kinda expected it won't get to air this year.because ch7 has other la korns that they prepare to air this year. i miss Pinky so much. :lmao:
You never know, they may change na ka. Look at SBS si ka. Imma go to Polyplus house sometime soon I think. Help her with something. If I have the chance, I'll ask her. But no garuntees na ka.


sarNie Oldmaid
i hope they would change their mind. i wanna see this la korn air this year. if they don't air this year then we won't get to see Pinky for 4 months that is too long. miss Pinky a lot. :lmao: as for sbs it's dara video, they usually air fast. mostly film and air the same time too :eek:


sarNie Adult
I am soo looking foward to this lakorn.
Pinky and New are a really cute couple
just by the pictures to me. I love them!
can't wait to see it!


sarNie Oldmaid
i just read from ch7 website,this la korn will start airing on Dec. 3rd wed-thur timeslot. yay! can't wait,wanna see Pinky, miss her a lot :D


sarNie Oldmaid
credit pictures to ch7 website

Pinky look so pretty as a princess, her character will be fun to watch,she said this la korn has everything there is comedy,romantic,drama,action,singing,sad when other girls come between her and pra aek which make them argue and she has to leave him to go claim her country back which she was sad and lonely. sounds very interesting,Pinky's character will be fun to watch. can't wait till it air :D


sarNie Oldmaid
more Pinky's pictures on the set, Pinky play as princess Kwanwarin, she's so beautiful :D
credits to her fan



sarNie Adult
Pinky looks gorgeous!
That dress on her is so pretty :wub:
Cant wait for this to air.


sarNie Oldmaid
more Pinky's pretty pictures as a Princess, she's so gorgeous,can't wait to see her...Jaoying Kwanwarin so beautiful,want December to come soon ^_^



sarNie Adult
I love her hair! :wub:
Although, i don't think the dress fits her too much.
Still so pretty though hehe :D