Just plain obsessed
I didn't know whether to start a thread for him here or in the American section, but since we all knew him because of Korea, and he is Korean, this will just have to do. I also didn't see that it was right to post about him in the 2PM thread, since he's no longer a member, although, to me, he will always and forever be 2PM's leader. I know some of you might still be interested in how he's doing, so I wanted to make sure we could come to a place to talk about him and show him our support.
From his own mouth, he's doing well and moving on and we should all do that too. He created a Youtube channel, so I urge you to subscribe and show your support.
He's singing again, which I'm happy to see, and he is finally letting us see him again.
And this was also a message he left for everyone...
About Me: 일단팬여려분한테너무감사하다고말하고싶습니다. 우리가족, 친구, 크루 한테너무 잘해주시고 좋은일들많이하셔서너무감사합니다. 노래랑랩하는거보고싶을까봐 만들었습니다 youtube account 를. 그리고 다같이 웃고 같이 열심히하고 화이팅합시다. 안좋은말씀들은안해도됩니다 ^ㅠ^.
Wassup everyone i'd like to thank all the fans that have been so nice to me, my family, my crew, thank you so much for all your love and support , created this youtube account so i can post up videos of just covers and whatever and you guys could watch so yeah check it out. Also i try to make every negative situation into a postive situation. saying or doing negative things arnt the right way to go in my opinion so less all just love and respect each other =) God Bless
Jay park
Those are his words, so shouldn't we respect his wishes and follow it? Enough with the negativity and let's all just move on...the way he has. No matter what happens, to me, he will always be 2Pm's leader, and I will always be his fan, not because of anything else but the fact that he is Jay Park or Park Jaebeom, whichever he prefers.
From his own mouth, he's doing well and moving on and we should all do that too. He created a Youtube channel, so I urge you to subscribe and show your support.
He's singing again, which I'm happy to see, and he is finally letting us see him again.
And this was also a message he left for everyone...
About Me: 일단팬여려분한테너무감사하다고말하고싶습니다. 우리가족, 친구, 크루 한테너무 잘해주시고 좋은일들많이하셔서너무감사합니다. 노래랑랩하는거보고싶을까봐 만들었습니다 youtube account 를. 그리고 다같이 웃고 같이 열심히하고 화이팅합시다. 안좋은말씀들은안해도됩니다 ^ㅠ^.
Wassup everyone i'd like to thank all the fans that have been so nice to me, my family, my crew, thank you so much for all your love and support , created this youtube account so i can post up videos of just covers and whatever and you guys could watch so yeah check it out. Also i try to make every negative situation into a postive situation. saying or doing negative things arnt the right way to go in my opinion so less all just love and respect each other =) God Bless
Jay park
Those are his words, so shouldn't we respect his wishes and follow it? Enough with the negativity and let's all just move on...the way he has. No matter what happens, to me, he will always be 2Pm's leader, and I will always be his fan, not because of anything else but the fact that he is Jay Park or Park Jaebeom, whichever he prefers.