I'm watching this series on you tube. it is sooo LAUGH OUT LOUD funny =) http://www.youtube.com/profile_videos?user...kate346&p=r
its one of my top 3 fav series this year
its one of my top 3 fav series this year
I'm planning to buy this series. at angkorwat.com they are selling it for $29.99. for 21 parts. is that a good price? and is angkorwat.com reliable? can i get a legit copy from anywhere cheaper?
I live in long beach and many that are $15 and under are bootleg. If you live in long beach just get it from mayura themselves. It's only .80cent an episode. So for 21 episodes it'll be like $17.Soteeda if you lived in Long Beach,Ca there are so many video stores here that sell the whole thing for like $15 or under, they wrap it nicely for you and you get a picture of the characters on the front