well if we're comparing these 2 lakorns (which is wat tis thread was for)
then why not compare ALL aspect of the lakorn eh? i was just merely stating out
my opinion..whether or not they were OBVIOUS...
anyways...Wiew & Son are cute..no denial...and Wiew is great for a 1st timer...
i wish i can say the same for Son...but he is forever PROGRAMED...i'm afraid
for the R-scene if there is one...i can't imagine Son doing the deed
but i would say that Son...he was cute...but he has tis "surface" handsomeness to him only
it seem the more i look at him the less attractive he gets...unilke Wiew the more I look
at her the more beautiful she gets...the same goes for Ken...can't stop lovin' at him :wub:
and personally after watch both casts on each of the talk shows they were invited to
Son stayed the same for me....Ken fun as hell..him & Nott is a tag-team :loool: .....Aff..fell
more in love w/ her i cannot believe such a prim and proper lady exists...but for Wiew...i tink
my love for her went down hill a bit..she seemed a bit...hmm..how may i say tis "snobby"...
very uptight..and she doesn't seem as friendly, lovable and innocent as she did in KLP...
a big disappointment for me...
but i will continue to watch both lakorns :wub:
Yes, we are comparing the two lakorns. The content of the lakorn, story-line, and how much people enjoyed watching them.
It did not say, "who is better? Ken or Son?" Did it not??
Yes, but to compare a person with an almost 10 years of experience like P'Ken who won several awards to a first timer like Son(and this is only his first time acting)...I did say you do Son no
justice. I think
not anyone will expect Son to be as good as Ken.
Yes, so considering their experiences, it is
obvious, they shouldn't be compare in this department....very much obvious don't you think?

When I first watch Ken on screen, I don't even like him. He has a couple years to shine into the actor he is today.
If you watched some show that Ken was in, he even act as a 'gay' or a second role before he got to where he is now. I started to noticed P'Ken when he acted with PAnn for the first time in Rang Ngow. I thought he was an okay looking p'eke. Years passed, I watched him again with P'Ann in Oum Ruk and really like him, since then, became his fan.
Son is a beginner, so go easy on him. He still has many years to polish his acting skill. Thereofore, you do no justice to him for comparing experience with no experience....here we can so see clearly that Son has a handicap, is it not. Like you said, it should be obvious.
Yes, he is stiff like a robot and this can be improved, is it not?
First time seeing Son and I thought he was very handsome. I didn't have that impression with P'Ken when I first saw him in screen....I noticed his good look after years of following his works. Therefore, with many years of experience, P'Son will become a good actor, maybe even to the point where he received award like Ken. Overall. we are talking about 'experience'...please take that into account.
It is not as if Ken and Son are both beginner, you know.
So you wanna compare all aspects of the two lakorns? Well, there is no denying that the cast in KLP did a VERY GOOD job. They are SUPER! Yeah yeah, Son is a different story. Even very experience actors like P'Kwan and the other mom commented that Aarin was very good for a beginner. She act as if she is super evil and take the role as if it was her own self. They joke if she is really like that in real life.
I agreed Son's didn't do a good job at acting and the reason is very 'obvious'. However, you cannot tell me that the other casts are bad too -- if you wanna compare the acting skills that is ---because the others cast are good. People who work with them said so and as far as I have seen and watched, I only have to agreed. You watch KLP, you should see that too...(of course, not Son, but like I stated above, he will improve in the future)
Nonetheless, don't you think that it is really something to even compare the two lakorn, with some experience casts to some new beginners cast? I don't find this happen often so to come this far as to compare the two lakorn....these new cast are really something