Yup, on this one .. i fault Kluay for not telling him b/c she assume he doesn't want to know ..I feel bad for Luck in the upcoming episode. He once had a wife and child and now to lose both in the same time is indeed too much to handle. Seems like he's shutting himself against Kluay to prevent more hurt.As for Kluay, I know she wants Luck to see her and the child as more than his responsibility but she should have told Luck she's pregnant. It's only right that he knows about his kid.
episode 15 is the saddest, i cry all along the episode because of markie. too bad, kluay was not with her at the hospital but sleeping in her room. i feel sad for luck: he lost his child and his wife the same day, peemarn is pitiful but he still wants to hide the truth about markie. come on guy, be a man and tell the truth to nattah, i'm sure she won't be surprised and forgive you.
i really hate jen and her friend and jed: someone needs a slap on their hideous face
:thanks: for the pics, luck knows now that kuay is carring his baby. :heart: :heart:Yup, on this one .. i fault Kluay for not telling him b/c she assume he doesn't want to know ..
in the old version .. i'm mad at LUCK b/c he was the one to utter out he don't want to know anything about Kluay anymore [The thing was that Kluay plan to tell him but after he said that to her .. she sorta hint out that there was something she want to tell him but since nothing about her is important to him anymore -- she'll keep 'it' all for herself b/c 'it' is her only -- he was a bit dumbfound but didn't question anything either]
Next week episode:
Credit: http://www.ch7.com/news/news_gallery.aspx?c=6&p=33&d=133841&i=7
you are welcomethank you so much!this is the first time i saw this preview. haha the other channels did not have a preview! lol
i love this preview! so beautiful!![]()
I'm joining your wishful thinking because we all know Luck is one of those pra'eks that will do that!I'm thinking -- either JETSADA being a good true friend and tell Luck the truth or the lawyer guy will investigate for Luck under Luck's command. [Like he lets her go but he still send ppl to spy around to see how she's doing b/c he still love her. Just some wishful thinking lol]
Preview for next week looks sad -- he's so cold toward Kluay when she came in to say her goodbye -- he closed his eyes on her T_T
[haha. just realize .. If you scramble the name 'KLUAY' around .. it spelled 'LUCKY' -- the hubby is LUCK and the wifey is LUCKY ^^ Cute!]