do you know step i was sooo happy reading your comment cause that was exactly what was in my mind while doing it i wanted the person who watch it to feel it the way i felt it kim is soo supppeeerrr natural in her acting i just go with her in her feeling and when i watched this scenes in germeany and listened to the song it matched perfectly , kim is my number one and will remain forever cause she act with soul and passion she give live to her character and she present it again effortlessly just look to her eyes i'm really fascinated by her talent , and believe me i felt a little teary when i finished and watched it Prao was sad and heartbroken but she took the best decision for her since she know she doesn't have a place in pranon's heart the difference between Prao and Pin is prao was open heart and she showed pranon she like him while with Pim she was'nt open she didn't show affection or she wasn't sweet to Natee rarely most of the time she played hard to get but because Natee was smart he knew how to make her open her feeling for him and he knew she needed love