Is that "Princess and I"? or different? I'm not so sure tho coz I'm not so fan of Filipino dramas. I watched if the story is good or if my bias is there (usually my family watch shows from Ch7 only so not familiar with Ch2 dramas) same goes with what I'm doing with lakorns since technically, they have the same format and elements like kidnapping, many b.s, stupid pranangs, family issues and etc. So if there is no eye-candy in a drama, if will be a pass for me@"peace" when the n'ek's mom dies, it's no longer a light drama, it's heavy drama haha. I like that plot! It would almost be like Khu Kam where the girl would already fall in love with the guy but it is only her prejudice (or in this case, hatred for killing her mom) that is stopping her from giving her heart to him.
@MomRamy, we have a soap opera in the Philippines with a similar plot a few years back. Maybe @twister02 knows about it too. The twist however is that the 3rd wheel is the son of the lady responsible for why the Princess got lost and was given to another family in the first place, and there was a power struggle of sorts between the family of the third wheel and the Princess's family.
Thai lakorns need a third wheel like in korean soaps, in my opinion. the korean third wheel (usually a guy) is the "perfect guy" who just suffers the misfortune of not being the guy the N'ek falls in love with (no spark). Example would be Rui from Hana Yori Dango or the King in Dae Jang Geum. The 3rd wheel in lakorns are usually batshit crazy who kidnap the n'ek to force her love. I think if there are kind 3rd wheels,they can start casting p'ek level guys who aren't that good in acting yet (uhhh *ehem*bomb?) as second lead to train them more first before being first lead.
On that regard, if Kim can have 2 "main guys" in a lakorn, who would you want them to be? (i.e. 2 guys fighting for Kim's love in 1 lakon!)
For me........ It will be Ananda vs Nadech hahahaha I think that would be a fair fight. Nadech will play the playful bad boy but with a heart of gold type while Ananda will play the cold hearted businessman but ardent lover type.
3rd wheel in K-dramas are lovable that's why second male lead syndrome was invented
Hmmm. If Kim will have a chance to have 2 guys fighting for her, I would like JJ and Mario. I just want the two to act on the same lakorn even shipping them to have BL story like an adult version of Love of Siam
It would be a bomb if JJ and Mario will end up together and then Kim will stumble with Mark in the end