I really think the song is so funny and cute! Nadech is cute but JJ is just like monkey! I laugh so hard at his dancing moves

No doubt ch3 put JJ and Kim together in this song because both of them are so funny and there dancing move is just priceless!
You seem to know a lot about JMA, is it true that he's not too playful like Nadech, JJ, Mark, and Boy? Because during the introduction scene he seem to keep distance from other actors!
I wouldn't say I know a lot about James, if anything I'm a bigger fan of Kim, you should know that?

However, from what I've gathered from his interviews and from all the n'eks/co-stars who have worked with him, he is an introverted individual.
I remember Kim mentioning how during filming break he would be in the corner listening to rock music and in his own world. He doesn't seem to be someone you automatically connect and get along with well at first meet, but he's someone who will slowly open up to you and be more lively and fun once he gets to know you better. That doesn't mean he's cold and distance, I would say he's a little awkward towards new people

but still super friendly so you're not afraid to be friend with.
There's this clip that pretty much sum up what type of person he is in a bigger crowd of people, but unfortunately I don't have it in file. He's just not someone that seeks attention, so most of the time he lets his peers do the talking where he stands quiet in attendance, and usually in the back, at the corner end, or at a distance.
I remember during the Khun Chai's period, the group of brothers went on 3zaaps and James was so quiet during the show that one of the interviewee had to ask him to say/speak more. But then again, he was with a group of riots made up of James Ji, Great, Bomb, and Pope lol. He couldn't stand a chance.
So yes to your question, he's not as playful and mischievous as for say Nadech, or Boy but he has his fun and playful moments too, most of the time with those he's close with. This is why I appreciate those who made him comfortable enough to be himself and befriended him; Nadech, Yaya, and even Kim.
But I think he's gotten a lot better now. He was so quiet when he first debuted. He's more open now. Sorry for the long post

I could have answered your simple question with a one line answer, but I want to elaborate a little more on how I think James is from my perspective. Again I don't know him personally so this is all my own personal thought of him.
@Pooh4ever that clip is more of Nadech and Mew lol no regrets tho. I wish Nai Singh was that much fun lol!
LOL girl let me slide with the little moment I get of NK! We don't always see them interact, you know. And I totally forgot about Ken and Anne! You posted their images on your IG and was completely fangirling about your koojin

Their appearance was so unexpected. But they were so grand and royal! Nadech and Mew are just so cute. I just adore them to pieces.
And about Buang Hong, I did see you asked me about how far I'm at with it and I'm currently at episode 5 lol. I like it a lot, just don't really have the time to sit down and watch it properly. Watching little bits at a time whenever I get the chance to.
@doojhyo You're so sweet. We all have played a huge part in keeping this thread alive, not just me. Don't give me too much credit here love