OMG! Are you watching it too? I'm in love with the drama, especially the chemistry between Mick and Pim. I love love Mick's character, Daniel, so much. He's honestly so swoon-worthy. That calm and collective personality, and oh so soft spoken to the n'ek is my type of p'ek

It was love at first sight lol. I don't watch much ch7 drama, but this one is really well done in term of story and filming. I didn't even know about its existence until I stumbled on the mv for the ost and fell in love with the song. The ost with the duo is love. I'm obsessed with it. I've been listening to it a lot lately.
I actually don't like mafia theme lakorn, but I'm hook with this one. I think the fighting scenes are well done (usually lakorn fighting scene sucks) and the overall darkness balance with this light, fluffy romance, which sadly is turning quite heartbreaking in recent episodes but I'm all down for some heart breaking because the actors are killing it with their acting. What I love is how the drama is filmed, there's an edge to it. Darker scenes are kept in the dark. Light, comedic scenes are full of brightness and color. Romantic scenes, are done with a blur, misty vibe that makes it sultry

The recent kiss scene on the couch, HOT like FIRE

It almost feels like a movie, much less a lakorn. Honestly it's one of the most well done lakorn I've seen in a while, in term of directing and editing. The only complain I have is the obvious fake tattoos the two main male leads are sporting lol. I can't take them serious in that shirtless fighting scene because I was cracking up at their poorly, chld-liked render tattoos lol. PCKNMCPW was bad in the directing and filming aspect, the cuts and transitions are done poorly. The only good thing about PCKNMCPW is KimJa. I kept on watching for them only, and at certain times, I was only watching it for Mor Wat.
Well I haven't watch enough ch7 or ch5 lakorns to answer that question, but the ones I've seen are pretty fast in the romance department. Mick recent one with Pim has a kiss scene in the second episode, and the two sort of confessing each other feelings, or showing signs of affection to one another in the first episode.
After PCKNMCPW, there's really nothing to watch on ch3. Like
@doojhyo I've tried to watch the one with Andrew and Ploy, and it was hilarious but I wasn't hooked. I might come back to watch it when it's completely subbed. I've watched the one with Mark and Patricia, but it's boring, not my type of lakorn sadly. Sorry Mark, maybe the next one lol.
@doojhyo Mafia lakorns are like gang type of drama. Lots of violence, fighting/shooting scenes. The drama that MomRamy and I are talking about is called Karn La Krang Neung Nai Hua Jai, Once A Upon A Time In My Heart. You can watch it raw here: and it's being subbed!!!!! Yes!!!! You can get updates on the subbing project here: So thankful it's being subbed. Or you can read recaps of the drama here:
And I think PCKNMCPW was a success. I don't remember who, but someone in the PCKNMCPW's thread mentioned that the rating for lakorns has changed. Back then the rating was a combination of online streaming and live viewing, but now it's only live viewing so the numbers are smaller. So with what the lakorn has during its run, it could be considered a successful lakorn. If you check the number of views the lakorn has on ch3 official on youtube, it's in the millions. That's massive for a lakorn, compare to its rival during the airing period those are huge numbers. Compare to Kimmy's recent past lakorns, PCKNMCPW is a huge success for Kimmy at least. Because I believe James' Ka Badin was huge in rating, right?
Has anyone seen Kimmy's event with Weir today? She's sporting this dark, fall makeup and she looks amazing. I would never look great with that type of makeup lol. And her hair is black now!!!!