sarNie Adult
Well I'm satisfied with the tvc. I think they look so cute. It fits well with their personalities. I'm not going to be too greedy lol. Just the fact that we get to see them together again after PCKNMPCW is already a blessing. We'll get to see them again on the 16th and then their Pepsi stickers collection for Line comes out on the 2oth. September is a good month lol. And someone mentioned there's another TVC coming soon too, right? KimJa everywhere!!! 
Gifs for my KimJa

While making it, I realized in the running scene Kim wasn't there and James was wearing a white shirt lol. I think I saw pictures of this scene on IG and Kim wasn't there (she was in Japan at the time). At first I thought they might have separate TVC, but I'm glad they have one together
I guess they refilmed this scene but Kim was in Japan so...they just have to do without her lol.
Gifs for my KimJa