I swear it's like they have something new every week lol. Not complaining here, the more the merrier
I can't wait to see it though! Kimmy looks amazing and our baby boy looks so dashing

@AnnTfan i think we need to add a Magazine cover section now. When am I ever going to finish this project lol. And btw, do you or anyone here know what's the name of the magazine that they were main cover models for? The one where they wore the same outfits for Zzaps??
Just a little complain on the Ele Cream ad, but I wish they actually took a picture together. It's quite obvious that they took seperate shot, and then the editing people just edited them together. I understand the individual shots, but that one picture of their full bodied, they could've taken it together lol. I guess I'm complaining for the lack of interaction lol.
Are they up for some awards again??? I hope they're not up against NY. Not that I don't have faith in KimJa's fans, but it's NY!!!! Lol