ya'll know something . I usually don't watch lakorn live .Shoot i don't even watch the one i upload but i actually woke up early today to catch it live . I guess cuz i have feeling there goin be a :w-scene-pop-corn: . I haven''t done dat since LNJ eps 8 - 12>> Anywho , i did catch the last couple min and it was where the n'k was in the p'k room and he got the sevant to lock the door from the outside so she won't go out . It was buffing but i watch the bed scene where he got a hold of her and pin her down . It funnie how he is blind and n'k can't seen to get away from his grip LOL and it seen like he successful in seducing her too but i guess she was in the mist of the moment again but she snap out of it and pull out haha .....bluff next scene the p'k was crying :huh: i think he was hurt cuz he feel she doesn't want to be with him cuz he blind . My thought was .. dang the dude is crying.. girl just give it to him haha... j/k
Your last comment was just too funny