credit knomjean's ig
When I saw this picture KnomJean posted.. I was surprised and shocked indeed. KnomJean ft. Waii? Really? How awesome can that be? Awesome indeed I tell ya. I miss the original KZ artistists.
KnomJean's new upcoming single called "พรุ่งนี้ยังมีเหมือนเดิม Proong Nee Yang Mee Meuan Derm (Tomorrow) " will be featuring fellow Kamikaze label mate Waii. If I am correct, the single should be released some time this month, possibly the 20th. I'm very curious as to how the song will be like.... but I already have a gut feeling that the song will be a success :3
credit ilovekamikaze
If y'all haven't heard of the two dueting before, then check out their former collaboration called "Trilogy" in which they also collaborated with 3.2.1's Gavin.