Koh Ma Hut Sa Jun (Kantana ch7)


sarNie Oldmaid
yeah i was thinking the same, ch7 and their new pra aeks. they keep on putting new pra aek with well known nang aek. i guess to catch the viewer's attention.


sarNie Oldmaid
yeah me too, love Jib in melody of love. she and Au were such a cute sweet couple. they were my favorite couple in here.


sarNie OldFart
Oh yeahh I know Jib was so cute in that lakorn; She looked like a doll! Au and Jib are sooooo cute! I want to see them again but he don't play praek anymore :(


sarNie Oldmaid
555 i feel the same. Jib does look like a doll in melody of love. with her curly long hair and pink,flowery outfit. yeah want to see her pair up with Au again too,but sadly he's not pra aek anymore, that sucks.


RujRasa Fan
I'm glad that she's back in nang-ek role. Haven't seen her in one for a while except that she's a supporting nang-ek. I hope this one will be a good lakorn to watch because it's her.
How come these nang-eks are turning into supporting nang-ek while some of them are still nang-ek after nang-ek? Like all of you, love jib in BKKR with au as the computer girl. Jib and Au should act again together as the nang-ek and prah-ek.


sarNie Oldmaid
yeah i'm so happy that she get to come back and play as the main nang aek again, b/c she has been playing as the 2nd nang aek for a while. that i got scare & lost hope that she'll get to play as the main nang aek again. so when i read the news she's the main nang aek in here, i was so excited! she's lucky,b/c some nang aek don't get to come back and play as nang aek anymore. i guess b/c there are so many new actress coming in.


You're Average Person :)
OMG....I miss Jib so much...I think she was the prettiest in Melody of love then come Tangmo lol...my opinion...but I'm so happy she's back...I hope her and Ae makes a cute couple though


sarNie Oldmaid
i'm so happy Jib has fans in here who like her. yeah i hope she and A make a cute couple in here. wonder what her character will be like. wanna read the summary and see a photo of Jib+A together. hope kantana will post it soon.


You're Average Person :)
I know who that Ae guy is..he's playing in Yuey Fah Tah Din..he alright looking but someone else can be a praek but we'll have to wait and see


sarNie Oldmaid
yep we just have to wait and see. but if i can chose i prefer someone else to play as praek too.


Expired Sarnie
pra ek is okay not bad but they could have done better *wink*(AU NAVAPOL)-> omg he is so hot with jib. and i am so happy to see her on screen again as nang ek.


sarNie Oldmaid
yeah Au does make a cute match with Jib in melody of love. love them in here. but she also make a cute match with Pai,Narm,Vee,Kade,Tle too.


Expired Sarnie
i am not feeling vee as pra ek with jib. hahaha i still have au as my #1 couple with jib. they rock!


sarNie Oldmaid
Jib and Vee were cute in Kwa ja ru diang sa. i like Kade with Jib the most,they were so cute & lovely dovey in Ka ma thep luang.


sarNie OldFart
jib looks cute with au, kade, nam and tle :wub: she did like 2 or 3 lakorns with vee but i'm not feeling them together, lol prolly coz vee looked ugly in all his lakorn with jib.. his hair O_O


sarNie Oldmaid
but i think Vee look cute in his first la korn with Jib, his hair was alrite. i even thought he kinda look like Kade in here. so when she pair up with Kade i was like hey now she really get to pair up with Kade. heheh.


sarNie OldFart
I never saw Jib lakorns with Vee but I have all there lakorn mags together from Tv Mag. One Vee has longgg hair so ugly forreals!


sarNie Oldmaid
he has long hair from their second la korn look long. can you post Vee and Jib picture from the mags you have? please. thanks.