as much as i hate for it to end..(you know cause i'll be missing my cuties) but i have to agree with ann... this lakorn needs to wrapp up and end... i dont want to anylonger... its dragging now.. they need to end it....ThanamasFanclub said:It's not going to end yet...Anyways I read news and it said that there extending the lakorn longer...I forgot to how many parts but anyways it needs to end...No offense peeps..
lollllllsss!! :lmao: chris pay attention to the movie darnit! lol ... anyways yes they got it back and thats when they all split into seven permanently, but now umpika and aisorn tricked pumin,jantrhapa and the green girl and got their gor...then sends 3 of their men to disguise as them ..... well they go save their father and then angkart, and praigaipruk looses their gor because they have to trade it for their fathers life..anyways they go back to wieng wanaly and then ..... ummm angkart takes suriyahs gor in order to go back and save their father, but when he gets there he realizes he can't fit wear suriyahs gor..... and then suniwarn sends praigaipruk to go get suriyah so they can go save the rest together....buklaoboi360 said:lol wat happen in episode 56 did they get there ghort back haha lol i dunt noe how to spell it lol tell me wat happen tinalol
i know that scene was sooo sweet but man the mom and the other people mess it up... heheh i was laughing at suniwan.. he knows that angkart was jealous.. hehhe and he was like making angkart more jealous ahahahah.....teedee said:The scene Aungkas knelt down about to touch Buayam was sweet. but damn it! the other people has to come first. makes me sooo mad!!! :angry: i want to see him held her up in his arms & carry her back to the cottage but then he was hurt in this scene. and cute he was so jealous of Suniwun over her. hehehe. Suniwun is sweet to her. never thought he can be this nice.because he was mean to Montra and look like he doesn't care about other people either. i can't wait for next part. Aungkas hold Buayam's arm. look like he's afraid someone will take her away from him. heheh. i like to see when he's jealous. i hope this couple will have a sweet scenes together. hope he will help her turn to normal human again. :unsure: