if Yam's in the lakorn, how come they don't show her picture during the open credit??..i mean she's a very popular boran n'ek
:blink:Teedee17 said:Yam will start filming her scenes on March. there is a total of 80 episodes. 41-80 will be the grown up parts. i can't wait to see Yam. the n'ek is the little girl that get mistreated by her step-mom. i didn't watch the kids part, i'm waiting to watch when they grow up.
I'm actually glad this is a long lakorn because mostly Aom's lakorn usually drags... No offense plus the p'ek doesn't look that good! Also, most of Aom's remakes are not that good (i.e. Gulah San Soi)ThanamasFanclub said:Goh Gaiyasith won't end till October 15...Damn..! Long long long!!!! And I want to watch the next lakorn...
i dont think that is all ture. not all of aom lakorn are drag. the one i would say is only kula sand soy. that the only one. but all of the other are not.der052 said:I'm actually glad this is a long lakorn because mostly Aom's lakorn usually drags... No offense plus the p'ek doesn't look that good! Also, most of Aom's remakes are not that good (i.e. Gulah San Soi)