I'm watching three or four lakorn right now. It's a hot mess for my schedule, but hands down, this is the one keeping me best amused. I think I needed something fluffy and good and this one is doing it for me. I like it because there's really no one trying to be serious here. There's no one trying for sincere emotion. It's all comedy, snark and straight out slaptastic over the top goodness. I love Aump and Noon on the phone and fighting in person. It isn't easy to carry on a good fight in stilettos, and these ladies are doing it.
Now, if they can just carry on with Aump realizing who Stefan -- shoot, he has another name now, doesn't he? -- really is, then I'd be even happier. Oh, and someone needs to stop the stylist from using those hideously-constructed braids for the girls' hairstyles. Shudder.