what? grate is gonna be in pookong yord ruk remake?
tui and dai did a remake of it a few years ago.. hmmm..
lol.. and oh.. y'all posts are so funny hehe.. AND OMG MERIT!!! IM AN INUYASHA ADDICT AS WELL!! but i'm not satisfied with the ending.. because i was kikyo/inuyasha bias ^_^ lol.. and i love your sig quotes too.. aiyah.. i was so sad and happy when sesshomaru went into the underworld to save rin T_T.. gosh sesshomaru is awesome hehe..
anyways.. im so excited.. what an interesting week next week ahaha.. the lakorns im waiting for are gonna air whoot whoot XD
OMG!!! I'm glad I found an Inuyasha fan. Well, I am deeply in love with Sesshoumaru. Sigh, he is one of the best written character ever. Aloof, mysterious, calm, collective and a badass. I told my husband why can't he be like him. I mean, when he goes into battle he walks gracefully towards it, like he's strolling in a park. He is after all Lord of the Western Lands.
I love Rin/Sesshoumaru my ultimate couple. Of course, when Rin gets older. Yes, when he went to hell literally to save Rin was such an epic episode. Just to see Sesshoumaru in an emotinally state of mind was amazing. The fact that you never see Sesshoumaru show any kind of emotions toward anyone or anything. To add, he hates human and think they are beneath him. The lowest of low, yet for a mere human he was willing to give up his power if it meant saving her life. He hates his father for loving a human, disgusted by Inuyasha for loving Kagome then he himself have a heart for a human. LOL. It kind of runs in the family.
I like Kikyo too. I thought she's a cool gal. But most don't like her. She is Inuyasha first love. And it took him a while to get over her.
*Sorry, folks a bit off topic.*
I'm still anxiously waiting for next week. Oh, hope someone would sub the lakorn.